kuro's backstory [PT 1]

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[have a reallife kuro / ma gross alienface >:3 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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[have a reallife kuro / ma gross alienface >:3 ]

sooo here we go with kuros backstory, its told like a story so yeh have fun reading :)

[lucifers P.O.V]

i am sitting here in my cage, at prison in hell.. its dark and cold, michael is teird of fighting like me. i will tell you a story, the story of the black angel kurochi and the withe angel shirochi. i created them with love, hate, guts, blood and flesh.
they are twins, and they loved each other like nothing else. yes, it was a really strong love, so strong they would do anything for each other, even dance with the dead, until...

,,kuro?'', shiro said, while appearing behind kuro, who was watching hell from a black hill, ,,i must leave you. its very important." kuro didn't say anything and didn't move for a moment, then she bawled her hands and turned to see her brothers face. ,,why?!" her red eyes glowed and it looked like they was burning. she was really really mad and sad at the same time. she heared it allready from her father, me, lucifer, and she first thought i was wrong, because she was sure her brother would never leave her. with her eyes filled with black big tears, she flou away.
her brother closed his eyes, sight and vanish quietly.

(readers p.o.v)
kuro and shiro were allowed to leave / enter hell when ever they wanted.
so did kuro, she didn't really like hell because it was so bloody and colorless. she liked to see life in it's own nature. her brother, shirochi, didn't care at all where he was. he just followed the lead, lucifer. he did evrything withoud moving his eyelids for me, not like kurochi who allways asked questions like 'why'. so kuro went to earth to get some space for herself. shiro didnt want to hurt her even more so he just leaved without going to her again, while kuro was just waiting for him. she waited allmost a year, without sleeping or thinking about anything else. after a year she stood up, turned around and walked straight. she said herself she never want to go home again. never want to go back to hell, to her father. she just made her way straight and arrived one day in a small village in the united states, wayoming. she learned to live like a normal human, she even tried to eat and sleep. she had a job as waiter in a small coffee and a little house. she just lived her human life. then, one day at work, a short haired young woman walked in the small coffee.

ay this was the first part of kuros story :^ hope ya enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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