Chapter 2: The Battle

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The arrow streaked through the sky directly towards the TNT, sailing straight from Sharpshooters flame bow, past two TNT dropper cannons manned by CrazyCat and Dom, past Jessers who was readying to attack the monsters with his sword, and past Potato who was running away from the TNT that was about to be lit. KABOOM!!!!! Masses of TNT exploded causing a large amount of gravel to fall onto the forward ranks of the monster army. Potato then drew his sword and yelled, "FOR MINECRAFTIA!!!"

Swords clashed, arrows flew, explosions blasted, and the sounds of monsters echoed across the battlefield. Slowly but surely, Herobrine's monsters were gaining ground. "We're running low on TNT!" Dom yelled, "Plum, pull out your bow, snipe the monsters while I run back into town to get more TNT!" "Ok!" Plum yelled back. On the way back Dom met his first creepie.

Dom had only walked halfway back to town when he spotted a group of monsters, and at the head of the group was a wither skeleton. Dom easily fought off the other monsters, but when he prepared to face the wither skeleton, it snuck up behind him and sliced Dom, "GAH!!! That hurt." Dom thought as he took the skeleton down. Then he hurried into town, got some TNT and food, then ran back towards their positions.

He had only gotten halfway back when he saw Potato and Sharpshooter waving him towards a narrow pass that led away from where they had been fighting. He got to them, then Potato blocked off the pass. "Why are we running, and where are Jessers and Plum?" Dom asked. "Well, first off, between now and the time you left Jessers and Plum became boyfriend and girlfriend. Then they were captured while we were forced to retreat." Potato replied. "Well I think that we should head south." Sharpshooter said. "You two do that, I will be there shortly after, I have some stuff in the city I need to take care of."

As Herobrine walked triumphantly into Minecity he saw all of the people cower in fear. "Good, this shouldn't make it too hard for me to take the country, but where are the rest of the members of Team Random?" he thought. He was proved right on his thought that he would easily take control of the country, but he still had no clue where the remaining three members of Team Random were.

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