Chapter 7: Done, for Good

Start from the beginning

"I'm sort of getting hot," she said. Was that supposed to mean something?

"So am I?" I said winking, hoping we were on the same page.

"Oh really?" She said maliciously, "well then I think you will enjoy this!"

Before I could react I was being pulled into the sea by Juliette. Our hands linked together sending tingling sensations all over me. We splashed into the sea hands still connected. Suddenly she had released her grip and began splashing me.

"Pay back!" She said with a huge grin on her face as she tried to push me under, but instead I swiveled around causing us to be face to face.

"I know it's only been one date but I like this," I said going in to kiss her again.

"I don't."

"What?" I pulled back shocked.

"Ha! Gotcha!" She said splashing more water at me. Oh no, she's going to pay for that!

After two and a half hours of running around and acting like three year olds we made our way to the Vespa, I think I just spent the best four hours of my life. Could we do this tomorrow? I didn't want to leave but I knew that later tonight I had some business at dinner and Lou would most likely want me to be free for her styling, as always. A sigh slipped out of Juliette's mouth as she looked at me. No words needed I could tell through the glisten of her sea blue eyes that she was sad. It didn't take a mind reader to know that it wasn't only me who had a good time, so what was bugging her?

"What's wrong?" I managed as I put on the helmet. You make think it's stupid for me to ask with all the Laurent shit, but it's always nice to have a shoulder to lean on, especially from a boy you like... Right?

"Nothing!" She lied, as she stared off in space applying her thinking face. After a couple seconds she turned to face me plastering a smile as she started the motor and we began off.

"Am I allowed to talk to you now?" I joked thinking of what she had said earlier.

"Hmmm... Let me think, nope." I could practically hear an evil grin sneak it's way up her face as she concentrated on the turning road.

"Bummer," I mumbled as I squeezed tighter around her sending a tingling sensation up my arms.

"Rules are rules, now hush up or I may fine you." She giggled. If we weren't on road I would have pinched her, but I didn't want to risk my life. The drive there was quiet, but perfect. I was glad I had picked the color green meaning the scooter, I mean who wouldn't want to be able to hold tightly around your- what were we? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Surly not so soon, but I can see that happening in the future. Maybe just dates... Dates way past crush level.

"And voila," she beamed parking the scooter at the back entrance.

"Merci, charming lady," I said bending down to kiss her hand politely.

"The r is not rolled in the front, like in Spanish, but in the back," she corrected me, as a giggle left her lips.

"Hey I tried!" I pouted letting my lower lip slip out and my puppy eyes come into action.

"It won't work!" She said stubbornly, "you aren't that bad I've heard from interviews, but your pronunciation could use some work."

"Your a fan? Well maybe you can teach me," I winked at her.

"Yeah, maybe..." She said shifting her gaze to the ground as a tear slipped it's way down.

"Hey, listen you should be honest with me and tell me what's wrong." I said softening up, as I lifted her head back up.

"It's you..." She sniffled. Me? What had I done wrong? "Don't get me wrong, I had a great time Harold! But-"

"But what?" I snapped angrily, so maybe she meant no harm but my heart was snapping with every word.

"Listen, please don't get mad, it's the best for both of us..."

"Spit it out." I growled, she looked at me hurt, "I'm sorry I'm being a big dick but I had a wonderful time and I would love to know why you didn't."

"Oh, but I did!" She said, I had known she did too, but what else could I say? That I loved her? Most definitely not... at least not so quickly.

"It's about Laurent too." I had completely forgotten about him, just hearing his name made me snap. "I think it better be known that it clearly was no coincidence he was there, some how, someone, or something let him know about our date." She said causing me to think it over, "his goal is to make my life a hell hole and as long as you are with me, yours too. He has huge connections he could destroy us."

"What makes you think it wasn't a coincidence?" I asked pondering on the first part of what she had said, I would some how manage to destroy, non violently though. I would do anything just so that our relationship could start back up.

"Because-" she sniffed, "he called the beach our sacred place and it was where we had met unexpectedly one day; later being our first date. I know this sounds far fetched but trust me Harry when I say this he told me with his own words 'never have I been here before and never will I go again without you,'" she said. It made perfect sense to me.

"Well, I guess I'll have to do something about it!" I said changing the mood.

"He'll kill you! I think it's best we leave it at this." She said fixing a smile and wiping her tears away.

"Love, I'm Harry Styles," I said grabbing the basket, slipping on my sunglasses and giving a priceless grin back to her as I skipped to the door, so maybe we aren't dating, but does that mean we can't ever again?


So what do you guys think? Do you like my writing style I could use some tips if any of you guys are willing to give some advice! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I'll try to update more regularly. So before I depart check out my other story Double Duty!

And please



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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2014 ⏰

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