Stuck ups...and the romantic saga of Alice In Wonderland and Brad

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Stuck ups. Okay, we all know one. I know about fifty and it drives me insane! They think that they are prettier, better and definitely worth more than everybody else.

Wattpad Stuck ups...

1) I hate those people. You know the people who are terrible writers, but everyone tells them they're great. (No offense but this happens with a lot of directioners. As soon as a story involves 1D, its becomes magically amazing! Or amazayn translated in directionese.) Back to what I was saying, if a story is terrible, be honest. Or seriously, just don't leave a comment. It's not fair when someone horrible becomes extremely popular and begins to think they will win a watty award!

2) "I won't updater until I get 2415435625 votes! So vote away cuz I know you can't wait!"

No matter how good their story is, take this challenge a do not vote. This person is just plain full of themselves.

I usually say: Please vote and comment! But I never say i wont update unless I get a certian amount.

3) Don't follow for followers! Just don't. It's conceited and really annoying. I will only follow back if you enjoyed my story or asked me for a critique.

4) Liars! I saved the worst for last! I hate people who say they will read my story if I read theirs, but they dont even read it. Or sometimes they just comment "Good" Oh wonderful, you put a lot of time into to that comment, and it makes me feel really good about myself. The worst part is my comments on their story are a full paragraph, praising how wonderful it is. GRR! STOP BEING LAZY! I REALLY WANT TO KNOW SOME TIPS! (Side note: You guys can write full comments on my account 2fast4you)


Some of you asked for another terrible story....

"The Adventures of Mr. Brad and Alice in Wonderland"

"Good morning Jake!!!!!!!"" I said walking in to homeroom. Snow came down outside

"Good morning alice you look hot today" he said back. Hehee! He was so right I was wearing really short shorts and my tan butt stuck out. Also I woke my favorite shoes...Uggs! Uggs and shorts look so attractive! Jake was wearing shorts and teeshirt with he fancy basketball shoes. He has like fifty pairs and it makes him so attractive! HeeHeeHeeHee!

Wait wait wait wait! WAIT! WHERE ARE MY MANNERS? My name is Alice In Wonderland. Alice is my first name. In is my middle name and my last name is wonderland. Ik my name is so hot! I have a HUGE butt and flowing blue hair. Blue is my favorite color and My uggs are neon blue with sparkles all over them. I'm also a huge biebliver. Jake is my boy frined but personaly I'm in love with my teacher mr brad.

"Good morninng Class!" Mr. Brad walked in. Oh, he is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ding Ding Ding Ding! The bell rang for first period.

"Oh and I need to see Alice in Wonderland outside imiediately!" Mr Brad said with a smirk on his face.

I walked outside the door while all my class mates left for first peroid.

"Love you!" Jake said giving me a kiss on the cheek. (Hmm? Which kind of cheek!? Jk! Back to the story!)

"Love you more!" I lied. My heart belongs will Mr. Brad.

Speaking of him, Mr. Brad came outside still smirking. Everything was quiet with no one in the halls.

"I have to tell you something." He siad.

I hope this wasn't about my F in class.

"I am in love with you!" He begged almost crying! "I gave you an F in class because I really wanted to give you detention so I could kiss you! I know you have a boy friend! I'm so sorry Please forgive me!"


"iI love you to mr. Brad"

"Please just call me by my real name, Brad"

"I love you brad"

"I love you Alice in wonderland"

"Please just call me by my first name, Alice"

"I Love you Alice!" he smiled closing the gap between us.





Just then, He leaned in and kissed me passionately! OMG! OMG HE ATE CINNAMON BUNS! I could taste their sweetness. Cinnamon buns are my favorite food!!!!!!! How did he know?

"I'd love to tutor you to help with your math grade" he mummbled kissing my neck.

Later that day over a text message...

Jake:I love you

Me: Hi I'm breaking up with you

Jake: But we only dated for two days! ;(

Me: I know your jut not my type

Jake: What?! You said you loved me ?/?/!

Me: I lied I only love mr brad

Jake: Our math teacher?!!

Me: Yep! His lips taste like cinnionmen buns

Jake: You kissed him?! When?

Me: After homeroom, before and during lunch detenetion, after school detention, and when he was tutoring me!

Jake: You are messed up!



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