2. Misunderstanding

Start from the beginning

     "Emery," she said with a low tone.

    "Danica." We glared at each other for a good few seconds before she broke the silence.

    "Are you going to the dinner tonight?" She asked me. She suddenly grinned into a very fake smile and had her hands folded together as if she was excited. What an actress she was.

   "Look. I don't like you and I know you don't like me so let's just cut it. Just because my mom married your dad doesn't make us a family," I hissed at her. She didn't even blink. That's right. Drama Barbie bitch was my step-sister.

   "You're right. Which is why I want you to stay out of my way alright? Donovan will always be mine, just for your information." A lump formed in my throat. First of all, bitch, he was fucking mine.

    "Keep telling yourself that. He doesn't even know that you're my evil stepsister who eats kids and throws elders off a cliff," I said to her with a sense of humor coated in my voice. She rolled her eyes at me before crossing her arms over her fairly larger and more proportional chest. Hm. Not suspicious at all unless she got a miracle bra.

   "You're just dragging Donovan along with you. Do you know if he even likes you when you're so clingy towards him? He feels bad for you and that's the only reason why he's sticking around. And maybe he's friends with you to get to me." Her words started heating a raging fire in me but I bit my tongue and held my head high.

   "Go to hell, Danica," I hissed in her face. She just smirked.

    "Are you scared to even admit that your mother likes me better? Everyone does. More than you. And your dead sister," she whispered the last sentence. That was it. I wanted to swing a fist at her so bad but... I would never stoop so low to her level. My jaw slowly dropped and I glared at her as tears started to pool around my eyes. I slammed my locker and started running through the halls to exit the building. I knew she watched in satisfaction as I ran away like a lost child because she crossed a major line. Her presence made my skin crawl and I just hated her guts more than I usually did, which is why I needed to leave. For her to bring up Sarah was a low blow. She just didn't know that.

     I found a place behind the bleachers as I sat on the ground, pulled my legs to my chest and sobbed. It was still early in the morning and I knew I had just ditched first hour as I was just sitting here. I don't know how long I've been here but I just watched the soccer team practice out in the field. When I felt my phone buzz, I looked at it to find a text from Donovan.

D: where are you?

    I didn't know if I should respond to him. I just needed to cry really ugly, like Kim-ugly, by my lonesome self. He knew that I had missed our fourth hour that we had together and I didn't realize how fast time was going.

    E: I ditched 4th hour. Sorry

D: Where are you?
Let me come to you
   Em, u alright?

No. I wasn't.

     Donovan wouldn't leave me alone, would he? I sighed as I finally revealed to him where I was. After a few minutes of waiting, Donovan soon stood before me with his backpack hanging to the side of him. Immediately, he got down to my level and sat beside me.

   "What the hell happened to you?" He questioned as he placed his hand on my chin gently, tilting my face towards him. My eyes must be red.

   "I think it's allergies or something. I just didn't want to stay in class like this," I lied. He just stared at me as if he didn't buy it. If I had allergies, I could have gone to the nurse. He was quiet for awhile. Then his lips quirked up to one side.

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