Tag In Hell House

Start from the beginning

The punk blue-haired girl answered, "The story goes that there was this crazy devil worshiper with six children, all girls. One night, the man went insane. He murdered all his daughters, he stabbed two, strangled another two, disemboweled the last two. Then he committed suicide after he realized what he did. Strung himself up like a pinata. But his house is still there. Adam and I have a bet on who'd come out alive. They say all girls who enter don't come back. Town kids are too busy getting drunk or high to even try."

"Fun." I grinned. Stupid, reckless, with a possible chance of death? This is what I needed. What I was hoping for. "Who are you guys, I've never seen you before?"

"I'm Adam," The boy says. His eyes were blue with amber flecks on the outer rims. "Adam Rhee. This is my twin sister, Julie, but she prefers Frisk. The strawberry blonde, who hasn't said anything, is my youngest sister. Her name's Emma."

"So why, Frisk?" I asked Julie. Bit of an odd name.

"I hate the name, Julie, and when Adam and I were real young, our mom got fed up with me refusing to be called Julie. She asked, 'What do you want to be called?', and I being young, had trouble speaking and said 'Frisk'. The name just stuck. And who doesn't like gender neutral options?"

"Got anything to say, Em? Anything at all? I'm worried you've gone mute." Adam teases his sister.

"I think you're all stupid." Emma says, speaking for the first time. "What if the legend is true? What are we going to do when the ghost of some satanist decides to kill us?"

"Easy." I said. "We run like our fucking lives depended on it. Which it will." 

"We're not going to die." Adam says, because Emma was obviously still worried. "At least if I'm right on that bet."

"No way, you're gonna die, Adam, because you're a girl. The kid'd die being a stupidly, brave, noble, Gryffindor." Frisk argues. "And I'd save Emma and myself."

"Bitch." Adam shoves Frisk, who hits me.

"Asshole." Frisk shoves Adam, who hits Emma. 

"Sorry." They say together as Emma and I both rub our arms.

"Shut up." We say. We look at each other.

"That was weird." Adam says.

"Definitely." I agree.

We go back to walking. 

The woods were thick and the little light we got came from the canopy of leaves high above us. All the more fun. I mistakenly hummed to myself the opening lines of "Welcome to the Black Parade" because I was thinking if I died I want that song stuck in my head, causing the Rhee kids and I to break out in song.

"When I was a young boy, my father, took me into the city to see the marching band. . . ."

Finally, we made it to the Hell House. 

"Who's first?" Adam asked.

"This is still dumb." Emma says warily.

"You're just scared." I told her. "Don't worry. I'm betting Adam wins."

"You better be right, girl. Or I'll rip you to pieces and toss your soul to the demons in Hell." She threatens.

"Such dark threats for such a sweet, innocent child." I teased. "I bet your siblings taught you those. I'll go first!" I directed the last bit at Adam.

"Alright. Hey, Frisk!" He calls. "You got a bobby pin on you? I've got to pick the lock.

"Catch." she throws it and Adam catches it. How? He's so tall. Not to mention lean. I swear he's a good six inches above me, and I'm tall for my age. 

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