In the Woods

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Y/F/I = Your First Initial
   This place is like home to me, I feel peaceful here. He used to take me here every week to get my mind off of things going on at home and at school. He was my everything. When he broke up with me, a part of my soul left with him, I didn't have an escape anymore. I didn't have anyone that loved me anymore.
   I've been coming here, to our spot everyday since he broke up with me two months ago. It was a secret place that we discovered together while hiking one day. My fingers found comfort tracing over the carved letters "Y/F/I + (Insert a letter) Forever". I sat on the rock, our rock, tears streaming down my cheeks as usual. Crying like this everyday had become normal to me. I held my head in my hands, leaning against a tree branch still sitting on the rock, our rock. I listened to the quiet hum the stream made as the water ran through, it was peaceful but it felt wrong without him. As I sat there listening to nothing but the stream and the birds, I heard some leaves crunching in the distance. "Someone's here?" I thought to myself. No one's come this far into the woods except for me and him. I quickly wiped my tears just in case it was him and turned to the direction of where the footsteps were coming from. Still sitting on the rock, a beautiful blond boy stood in front of me, looking surprised. His eyes were a gorgeous deep blue, and his figure was skinny and tall. "Umm hi," my words were silent.
   "Hi. I did not expect a person to be this far in at all," he chuckled at himself. I gave him a half smile.
   "Me either actually, how did you find this place?" I questioned him, this time speaking up.
   "Well, I wanted to go exploring this area a little more since I just moved here. And here I am, talking to you. I'm Oscar by the way," He stuck his hand out.
   "I'm Y/N. This place is like home to me. I love it here," I shook Oscar's hand and gave him a warm smile. I patted the space next to me, signaling him to come sit. Once Oscar got a closer look of me, he noticed I was crying. I guess just wiping my tears away doesn't work.
   "Hey I know we met like three seconds ago, but you were obviously crying. What's wrong?" Oscar's voice sounded genuinely concerned.
   "Well this used to be mine and my ex's secret place. No one ever knew about it except for the two of us and two months ago he broke up with me. I come here everyday and sit on this rock, our rock. Look he even carved our initials into it," I placed my hand over the carving. Oscar looked down and put his hand on top of mine. I could feel him staring at me but I continued to talk. "And he was the only one that loved me. My life at home is really hard, and at school I have no one to talk to." I tried to hold my tears back, but I failed. I closed my eyes and rested my head back up against the tree branch as tears fell from my face. Oscar's grip on my hand tightened as he heard my quiet sniffles. He probably didn't know what to say since I threw all my problems at him at once. I didn't even care if he said anything or not, it was just nice to have someone listen to me and actually care.
   After five minutes, I was able to calm myself down a bit. "You know Y/N you're different." Oscar simply said.
   "I know, I'm unwanted and depressed," I snapped back at Oscar.
   "No I meant in a good way Y/N," Oscar looked me in the eyes.
   "Oh," I simply let out, looking down.
   "You're so genuine and simple. You deserve nothing but happiness because what you're going through isn't okay. Your ex is an asshole for breaking up with you because you're gorgeous and amazing in every way possible."
   "Oscar don't say shit like that because I'll actually believe it and it'll make me fall for you. Then when you break my heart in one way or another I'll be back to where I am now but worse." I said, my eyes found their way to the carving on our rock.
   "Y/N I'm telling you the truth. I may not know a lot about you, but from what you've been telling me and sitting here with you for the past thirty minutes, I believe that you deserve pure happiness." Oscar noticed me looking over the carving for the hundredth time today. He let go of my hand and starting looking for something on the ground. "Aha! This is just what I need," Oscar held up a rock with a pointy edge. "Y/N watch this." Oscar started scratching away at the perfectly carved Y/F/I + (insert a letter) Forever
    At first I was shocked at Oscar's actions, but then I quickly realized I needed to get over him. I giggled at the way Oscar was getting rid of the carving, making funny faces at me.
   "Damn Y/N, you have a beautiful smile," Oscar stopped what he was doing just so he could look at my smile.
   "Thank you," I smiled at him, blushing. I looked down at the carving which was now nothing.
   "We'll make our own carving." Oscar smiled at me. I smiled back and grabbed the rock from him hand.
   "Y/F/I + O with a little heart," I said as I carved each letter carefully into the same rock. "How's that?" I asked Oscar for his approval.
   "It looks great," He smiled and kissed my cheek.
   I covered my face with my hands as Oscar made me blush once again. "I have to go soon, it's getting late," I quickly changed the topic. Oscar got up, and offered me him hand to help me get up.
   Oscar and I walked hand in hand on the sidewalk of the busy streets. We talked more about Oscar's life and why he moved here, and I also told him more about me other than my boy problems.
   "Hey Y/N wanna put your number in?" Oscar handed me his phone.
   "Gladly," I took his phone and typed my number in, putting the heart emoji next to my name. "Here ya go. Just hit me up anytime," I told Oscar as we arrived at my street. I quickly gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Bye."
   "Bye, Y/N," Oscar blushed. As I entered my house, my phone vibrated.
   I had gotten a message from an unknown number. It read "Hey cutie." I smiled down at my phone quickly realizing it was Oscar.

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