Can You Teach Me How To Love Again?

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You don't understand the time I've been through. The memories I have raving through my head. Every second, is a new moment. Every second is a new thought. And every thought I have is always about you. I'm unsure about myself. I'm unsure of my own well being. Are you hurting me, or are you helping me? Am I hurting myself? Am I strong or are you making me strong. Without you where would I be, how would I be? Would I be okay? I'm so unsure of myself and I can fell the sanity decrease by every moment I pass alone. Without you I feel I would crumble but with you my world is already falling apart. I don't understand.
Can you teach me how to love again?
Can you take me away, show me a whole new world? Will I be able to dance the night away with you or will I forever be stuck with this feeling. Can I leave myself to break, or can you teach me how to love again?
My thoughts shatter like glass, my breath once again shallow with all my words. My ears ring with all your lies and my eyes water with all our memories. I will forever remise in these thoughts and questions.
But can you teach me how to love again?

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