. Chapter 7 .

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The first person to say anything since the two were practically kicked out of the house was Gabriel.

But that wasn't until about 30 kilometres out from Bobby's and the silence that filled the air (well, besides Cherry Pie playing on the radio in the background) was beginning to eat the Archangel from the inside out.

He cleared his throat before glancing at Sam.


Sam frowned, but still didn't say anything, keeping his eyes on the road and awkwardly running a hand through his hair.

"I...figured out what you meant."

Gabriel said, giving Sam a firmer stare, making Sam glance at him unintentionally.

"Yeah?" He said softly.

Gabriel nodded and swallowed slowly. "You asked me what happened, right?" His words were slow and cautious. "So. Remember when Luci stabbed me in the back, literally, and that was last you saw of me?"

Sam nodded faintly at the memory.

"Well, Dad-God-he kinda brought me back. But... I don't know...something in me changed, something had opened a new door, and I became a little unsocial and a little less of the tricks. I just...what's the word for it? Became more human."

Sam's eyes widened, but he allowed Gabriel to go on.

"Not human human, but...I now begin to have feelings. I mean, I did before, but now they're stronger."

Sam spotted an old barn on the right of the road, parking and getting out, the cool air hitting him as a blast to the face.

He finally looked at Gabriel, right into his whiskey coloured eyes, as he came around to lean on the bonnet of the car, Gabriel next to him.

"What kind of feelings?" Sam said gently, pulling a strand of Gabriel's blonde hair out of his eyes, tucking it behind his ear.

Gabriel couldn't help but lean into his touch, closing his eyes.

Sam could feel light, cool spots of snow falling, but he ignored it.

"You know, I've had different feelings too." Sam whispered, cupping the angel's cheek.

His touch tingled down Gabriel's spine, causing butterflies to start up up in his stomach.

"Have you, Sammy?" Gabriel whispered, opening his eyes to look at him, a new spark flashing in them.

"Yes." Sam said, glancing nervously at his lips, wondering what they would taste like.

"Huh." Gabriel mumbled, before crashing his lips into Sam's.

Sam's hands went the smaller man's hair, and Gabriel's tense body softened, sinking into the embrace.

His lips taste like...lollies and strawberries. Sam thought, and before he could deepen the kiss, Gabriel pulled away, a smirk on his lips.

Sam pouted, but Gabriel just chuckled.

"No hunter in sight, huh?" He said, melting in Sam's gaze.

I Like You. (A Destiel Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now