Chapter Six

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2nd December, 2075

My Sweet Love,

Merry Christmas baby!

I hope you have a good holiday. Meli and I are spending the season up at the cabin. We decorated and everything.

She's so big now, walking faster than I can run. I swear sometimes she'd be a track star, she's lightning fast and she has four tiny teeth which she uses to well, it's as if she's part canine with the way she just attacks my face and sinks them into me.

She loves you, you know, and she definitely knows who her Daddy is even though you're not physically here with us. We always watch those videos of us from our wedding and vacations, even the shaky homemade ones. She laughs whenever you do while we have a video marathon.

For Meli's birthday I did the Daddy-Daughter day just like we planned, the zoo, the beach, everything.

I want you to know that I don't think of you as an absent husband or father, I could never because even with you being worlds apart from us, you take care of us, you love us, no matter where you are. You have been and always will be the best husband in the universe and the best Daddy our little Flower could ever ask for.

Life is cruel sometimes, guess it's what makes the good times so wonderful, so memorable because we can appreciate the golden moments. You've given me so many of those. Moments when I ask God and myself what I ever did to deserve a beautiful man like you both inside and out.

I want you to know that even though we made plans, life has a way of throwing asteroids at us every once in a while. Maybe it's to test us, maybe its destiny; to take us to where we're supposed to go. Good thing you're such a good pilot huh? Things change my love; it's up to us to make the best out of those changes.

That's what I love about you, your ability to adapt to situations, to always be the good and honorable man I fell in love with.

I love that you always do the right thing, be an example of what a real man should be like.

I am proud to call you my husband and our daughter would be proud to call you her Daddy.

We know you love us.

I miss the warmth of your body next to mine, your arms around me. I miss the way you kiss me, as if we have all the time in the world. I miss the way you touch me, as if I'm the most precious thing you've ever seen. I miss the way you make me feel, like I'm the most important thing in your life and the most beautiful person to ever walk the Earth.

I know you love me. It's shown in the way you look at me, the way you touch me, the way you hold and kiss me. It's imprinted on my heart forever. You tell me you love me even if you don't say a word.

I know its hard baby; I know but please stay strong for me, for us.

I love you,

Your Rose.


Khalil smiled sadly at the words on the sheets of paper. He felt in his heart that he was truly blessed to have Jaylon in his life, as his husband, the father of his child and the love of his life.

Do other men feel the same about their husbands, their wives? Khalil didn't know and quite frankly he hoped that they did because he felt all these things for his life partner and more, so much more than mere words can never describe.

Yes, Khalil felt truly blessed to have the love of such a beautiful man, a man he would cherish till his last days, till his last breath.


652 Words


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