"Oh it's nothing, I've just been working out on the treadmill. Lunch sounds good, I'll get in the shower real quick and then I'll be ready when you get here." He said in a rushed tone.

I bit my lip. "Ok Haz. Love you!"

"Love you too babe! Bye." He hung up. I quietly walked back down the hallway, to right where I was standing outside of our bedroom door. I heard rushed footsteps and muffled talking. I blinked back tears, waiting for the truth to be revealed. About 10 seconds later, a bleached blonde with a mini-skirt and hot pink tube top opened the mahogany door to our bedroom. She stopped when she saw me and blinked rapidly, frozen in her spot.

"Britney, what are you doing standing in-" Harry's words were cut off when he saw me standing there, with my arms crossed and my eyebrows raised, looking at the both of them. Britney took this as a chance to run and she took off, I heard the front door slam a few seconds later. Harry and I were left staring at each other.

"Mads, I-" he started to say something but I cut him off.

"How could you do this to me?! I thought you loved me!!" I say, my voice getting shaky as I was holding in the tears. I ran down the stairs and out the door. Heading to my car.

"But I do love you!" He said anxiously, following me to my car and getting in the passenger seat.

"GET OUT of my car!" I yell, starting the ignition of my Infiniti G35.

"Come on, just 5 minutes Mads!" He pleads.

"Fine. You have until I get to work." I give in and start driving and he tries to explain. He told me he was "sexually frustrated" because I wanted to wait until our wedding night to have sex. I stopped the car outside of the coffee shop. I get out and he follows suite.

"So, let me get this straight. You cheat on my because I couldn't fulfill your sexual desires?!" I yell, not caring that people that were passing by could hear us.

"Mads I-" He starts to say but I cut him off.

"And it WAS only a month until our wedding!" My voice cracks.

"Wait.. Was?"

"Yea. You got that right! WAS. As in past tense. I am NOT marrying you, Harold Edward Styles!" I yelled.

"But Mads! I'm so sorry!" He pleaded with me. He stepped closer to me but I shoved him away.

"Save it. I don't want to hear any of your bull crap. I'll be by later to pick up my stuff." I started to walk towards the entrance of the shop.

"Maddie, please don't leave me." He begged. I couldn't look him in the eyes. I know if I did, then I'd forgive him right then and there.

"Don't try and talk me out of it Harry. We're over. There is no more "Haddie." Ok?" When I reached the door, he ran in front of it, opening it and pulling me towards a corner booth. I sat down, reluctantly and faced him. "You know what Harry?!" I whisper harshly.. "How long has it been going on?! How long have you been getting some on the side and leaving me in the dark?!"

"Mads.. It was.. 3 months." He said sheepishly, staring down at the floor.

"Harry. We've been planning our lives together for 2 years and this is what I get? For treating you like the only man in the world, I get thrown to the side because your own sexual desires couldn't wait 30 days for the one you could 'never stop loving?' How low can you get Harry? What happened to forever?"

I looked away from him, my anger sinking into the atmosphere and soon replacing it with bitterness and sorrow. I turned to the window beside us in the padded booth we sat in and I glanced at the warm fall weather. A couple sat cuddled up on a park bench near by. I turned away, forcing all the plans I'd had for our future out of the way, a single tear leaking out of my left eye.

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