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i woke up feeling refreshed and oblivious to last nights argument with mother. i quickly dressed myself for breakfast on the terrace. as i rushed downstairs i could smell the freshly cooked bacon and eggs. i was starving; it felt like i had not eaten in days. i calmly walked outside and sat at the table as the waitor pulled my chair out for me. I glanced at mother across from me as our breakfast was placed in front of us. she gave me a a look that would have cut me in half if she had laser vision. i glarred back, " what is your problem?!" she gasped at my forwardness, "you know damn well what my problem is!" my mouth fell open, "what happened to 'a lady always keeps a clean mouth'  and honestly no, i do not know what your problem is...hence why i asked" mothers face turned red, "do not be smart with me...have you forgotten our discussion last night? you are going through with an arranged marriage, and you are meeting him this weekend at the ball to announce your engagement" i came back to reality as i heard by tea cup fall the ground and break. i did not even realize i had dropped it untill i heard the breaking of the precious china. i stopped up from the table and marched back inside and up the stairs to my room, and it was not long after i left that i heard mother marching after me. "come back here young lady" she screamed, but i just kept goin and slammed my door and just dared her to enter. i immediatly started packing there was not any way that i was going to go through with this; i would rather die. mother came bardging int my room as if there was a big blinking sign on the room that said 'welcome'. "Alice ELizabeth Ardings what do you think you are doing?!?!" "what does is look like i am doing? i am leaving; i would rather die than go through this arranged know i have dreamed of falling in love and living happily ever after and you turn around and crush it" "hun, i gave you three months to find someone on your own and you turned your nose up at anyone and everyone so you have no one to blame but yoursled" i whirled around at her in disgust "no one to blame but myself?!?! love is not something that is just going to happen.... any idiot knows that...but it doesnt matter i am leaving...end of story and you can not stop me" mom did not say anything else; she walked out the rooma and closed the door. i felt a sigh of relief and proud that i won until i heard a *click* as she turned a key in the door and locked me in. " what the hell are you doing?!" "can't do anything about it can I? well you know what young lady i can and you are going to go through with this you have no choice or say... so you better face facts and give yourself an attitude check Alice or so help me i will drag you to the ballroom and humiliate you and make you wish you was dead. honestly darling i hate to do this but it is for your own good" and with that she was gone down the stairs. i did not stop packing my bags; i was going to leave...somehow.

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