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~Everest's POV~
"Bye mark" I said as I walked out of the dressing room and putting my black leather jacket on and putting my hair in a bun. I grabbed my purse and I saw Gerald walk in and went to the dressing room. "I believe this is yours?" I heard his voice as I was about to walk out of the room. I turned around and G was holding my phone. "Thank you so much hey aren't you supposed to making a club appearance tonight?" I said pointing at him with my matte black acrylics. "Yes aren't you?" He asked peaking his head out of the dressing room. "Yeah" I said walking out. I closed the door and I walked downstairs to my car. I drove home to see my fiancé before I go to the club. I parked my car in the garage and I went inside into the kitchen. "Hey babe" I said pecking his lips. "Hey how the shoot go?" He said eating his pizza. "Good what you do while I was gone?" I asked putting my purse down on the counter. "Slept and watched tv" he said as he let out a small giggle.

"Wow I wish I could do that but I have a club appearance in 30 minutes bye love you" I said grabbing my jacket. "Love you" he said giving me a peck on the lips. I walked out the door and ran to my car. I sat down in it and started the car and headed my way to the club. I pulled up and went inside and saw G surrounded by girls and he was staring at me as I was dancing with Brianna which she is my best friend. I rolled my eyes at him and kept dancing with her.

After a few hours of being at the club I went home because I didn't want to drink anymore. I walked into our room to see Erin and some other hoe making out. "Are you fucking kidding me!" I yelled at him as I was dropping my purse. "Ev just calm down" he said getting up. "No you were fucking another girl how am I supposed to calm down" I said starting to cry. "Fine yes I was but please just calm down" he said putting his hands on my shoulders. "Don't fucking touch me and why would do this to me are you bored of our relationship because I'm not" I said grabbing suitcases. "Kind of the reason why is because you're always at club appearances and shoots so I never get to spend time with you anymore I want someone I can spend time with" he said trying to stop me from packing. "Just let me leave" I said packing my bags and zipping up my suit cases. "Bye" is aid stomping out of the room. I slammed the door behind me and I got in my car. I thought of who I should go to which I knew who k should go to.


"Hey G can I stay at your place tonight my fiance cheated on me?" I said in a calm voice.

"Of course"

"Thank you so much I'll be there in 10" I said starting to head my way to G's house.

I parked my car out front and rung his doorbell and wiped my tears away. He had opened it "hey I'm sorry I came so late its ju-" I said getting cut off by G. "its okay just don't worry about okay just think about your shoot that you have tomorrow" he said pulling me close to him. "Thank you how can I can i repay you for letting me stay here away from my ex i guess he is my ex now" i mumbled because my face was squished to G's chest. he looked me in the eyes "just don't worry about okay you can sleep in my room", "are you sure i can sleep on the couch if you want" i said pointing to the couch. "just sleep in my room" he said letting out a sigh. "well i don't like sleeping alone so can you at least sleep somewhere in your room to where i won't be alone" i said stomping my feet. "no just yell for me if you get scared okay?" he said putting his hands on my shoulders. "okay goodnight" i said heading to take a shower. i got into his bathroom and i saw that his shower had like a rain like shower head like my shower was. Wait a second i paid for that apartment so why am i not sleeping in it. the apartment isn't even Erin's he doesn't even pay the rent.

i got in the shower and i heard a knock at the bathroom door "hello?" i said seeing who it was most likely it would be G. "it's G" he said opening the door. "Hey I set some things out for you in my room and I'll take your suitcase" he said pointing down the hallway. "Thanks" I said turning off the shower and grabbing my towel off the rack. I stepped out of the shower and opened the door to see if G was anywhere i didn't see him anywhere so I ran to his room. I closed the door and locked it and dropped my towel and grabbed underwear and a big long sleeved shirt. I grabbed my phone and hung up he towel in the bathroom and went into the kitchen and ate a bagel then brushed my teeth. My phone started to buzz and it was Erin I ignored his calls till he stopped calling and texting me. "Goodnight G" I said leaving the door open a little. I turned the closet light on and went to sleep.

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