What he does when your sick

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James comes through the door with a bowl in hand. "I made you some soup (Y/N). What can I do for you?" "Aww thanks babe. Could you pass the tissues?" He hand you the tissues and kisses your forehead. After having a bowl of his actually, delicious soup, you both snuggle up and watch some of you favorite disney classics. After he drifts off to sleep though, you secretly sneak off to the kitchen for more.


He invited you over to have dinner with him. When you arrive, he notices the deep bags under your eyes and your runny nose. "Umm... how are you hun?" "Never better," you try to sound normal but you cant help but grimace at the pain in your throat and your groggy voice. "Actually, I feel kinda sucky." So, he sweetly makes new plans to stay at home this evening and wait on you hand and foot.


You have had the sniffles all week and you just feel like you need to sleep. You and Beau are at the park though, sitting in the grass and having a picnic. You have been trying to casually make conversation. "Well, I have really missed you Luke," you say. He has been on tour for what seems like forever.  You turn around a bit to look at the birds, and sniffle.  "Aww (Y/N) I have missed you too. I just can't live without you, but I'm back now!" He assumed you were crying, untill a moment later you have a coughing spazm. "Sweety, you got a cold,"he cooed and turned your chin towards him so he could softly kiss all of the sniffles away.


You both are having a movie night, and gorging on popcorn and candy. You have been trying so hard to keep from ruining the night, even though your head is throbbing and you need sleep. Just as he pulls you in for a kiss, you push him away and sneeze off to the side... and then again.... and then again. "Uh, you dont look so great (Y/N). Do you... wanna get some air or something? Is everything okay?" "I dont wanna get you sick.." you whisper and he cradles you in his arms for thinking and caring so much about him.


He grabs a tissue and holds it for you to blow into. You have had the flu for 2 days, and he has taken care of you ever since the start. "You should get some sleep. I must be wearing you out," you whisper as loud as you can. You cant really speak. "But then whose going to take care of you?" he says softly, leaning in closer to you. "You better not get to close or else you will get sick too. Then who will take care of us?" "I will still take care of you,(Y/N)" he he says, and leans in forward to kiss your closed eyelids.

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