"Professional skate boarder? That's really good for you. And what did your parents say about that?" I ask, knowing a part of my chest swells because my parents don't even want to keep in contact with me.

"They went a little bonkers, but as time passed, they accepted me for the who I am, and now, we are closer than ever, you know?"

I smile, and pretend to be the happiest child of my earlier years. That was really good for Frankie. When I was younger, none of us could actually think Frankie will have a future, but now, she might even be happier than me.

"What about you, Nora? What are you doing in a skate park?" She looks rather bedazzled.

"Long story, and I don't think you want to hear what the same old Nora has to say," And I feel my tears prick my eyes.

"We could sit somewhere, if you like.. I am glad to see one of my old classmates," she smiles, fixing her beanie properly over her head, her dimples peeking out as she smirks.

"Where could we have a seat?" I look around the loaded area.

"Over there," she points to where I kept my bag earlier, and I nod, following her lead. What can I say? Frankie turned out to be prettier than me. I am not jealous or anything, but who could have known? Her long legs walked swiftly over the ground as we approached the bench, where we both sat. I leaned on the bench, and crossed my arms over myself, while Frankie leaned forwards, applying her elbows on her thighs.

"You may now speak.." she clears her throat, and I look up at the moon.

"I was set on a date to meet Tommo. Do you know him?"

"Wait, what?" She removes her elbows off her thighs and tries to laugh. "That douche?"

I confusingly look at her. "Douche?" He basically was, but how does she know he is one?

"Yes, douche. He thinks he can have any girl he wants with that mischievous smile of his. How did you land a date with him, though? Did you cast a spell?" She laughs and imitates my sitting position.

"I didn't cast a spell, but promise not to laugh at me.." I look to my right and she looks back at me, pushing out her pinkie finger. I lock mine with hers and then cough before I speak.

"Through a dating site.."

"What!" She laughs harder, and I almost felt she was about to fall down the bench and roll on the floor. I keep the straightest face on as she comes back to focusing at me, pouting.


"Some guy named Brad made him make a stupid dating account," I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Brad? Another douche.."

"How do you know all of them?"

"I had the worst crush ever on Tommo, but you know.. douches will forever be douches.."

"You seem very chilled about this," I sit up, and cross my legs. She fixes the hem of her shirt and plays with the skate board by pushing it back and forth with her foot.

"I am chilled. I hardly care about people who ignore me. I will never allow any guy to treat me as though I was some brick wall.." she huffs and smiles. And I am the girl who always did allow any guy to treat me as though I was a brick wall. Allowed? Ha, no guy ever noticed me, so I won't include myself in that list.

As I was about to speak, a guy stumbles to our direction." Oi! Ladies!" He slurs, wiggling his eye brows.

I sort of shrug when I see him, but I don't understand how he could allow himself into such a state in a skating park! Was he trying to kill himself?

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