Finally Louis got off and he was so ready to get home. But first he had to pick up his sons...and maybe check up on that homeless boy. He just wanted to make sure he was there and safe. There was absolutely no harm in that.

Louis pulled onto the street where he...lived. He hated that. Lived. His living quarters shouldn't be on the street. Every time Louis thought about that, sympathy filled his heart. God, he really wanted to help that boy. Giving him money wouldn't just miraculously give him a home though.

Louis parked his car on the curb across the street from the boy (thank God he was there). He could see said boy, sitting on the ground with his ratty blankets wrapped around his shaking frame. People passed him left and right, totally ignoring him as if he didn't even exist. Louis couldn't believe it and frankly he couldn't stand it anymore either so he jumped out of his car and ran over to the boy's aid.

His head was down as he rocked himself back and forth, his grip on the blankets tightening with each gust of ice cold wind passing over him. Louis bent down to him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. The boy jumped from the contact, snapping his head up quickly. He couldn't believe it was the man from yesterday. He thought it was a cop telling him to move somewhere else again.

"Hello" Louis greeted.

The boy didn't say anything at first. Hell, he couldn't because his teeth were chattering so bad. Louis began to rub his shoulder to comfort him.

"H-h-h-ello" he finally spoke up after getting control of his mouth.

Louis was happy he replied. "You're freezing."

Again the boy didn't respond.

"I can take you to a library or something in order for you to warm up?" Louis suggested.

"N-no" the boy denied his request. "No, that's alright. J-just carry on with your day...don't pay attention to me. No one ever does..."

God, could Louis' heart get any heavier? Can he feel anymore sympathy for this kid?

"I don't mind."

"I do" the boy glanced at him with blurry, green eyes. The intense wind made them water. "Look I appreciate your concern for me, sir, but I am not your problem nor your responsibility."

The boy was right. He wasn't Louis' problem or responsibility. But that didn't stop him from wanting to help this kid. Louis' a very compassionate person and he doesn't mind going out of his way to help people. Especially for something as severe as this.

Louis studied him for a second. "How old are you?" He asked.

The boy was caught off guard by the question, but answered. "Eighteen."

Louis' teeth sunk into his bottom lip. He knew it. He knew the boy was around that age, but it still managed to shock him. An eighteen-year-old boy homeless? This boy should be finishing his senior year, getting ready for college. He should be at home, living with his loving parents. Not getting hypothermia and starving on the streets. It sickened Louis.

He's never felt like this before. Sure those abused dogs and starving children in Africa made him shed a tear or two (God how he loathed those commercials, they just made him sad) but this...this made a whole new feeling coil through Louis' stomach. Maybe it's because he was seeing such a horrible thing in person and not through a television screen. Or maybe it's the look this boy had in his eyes. They were practically screaming "save me".

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