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We all have came across many kinds of cover books. Some of us own one. To determine who is best is impossibe. Each one of us is best in diffrent genre of graphics.. this is a place for all of you to enhance your creativity.

Type of contests...

In every contest you will be given to make a graphic of diffrent grene and type.

You have to make and complete the graphic in 1 week (i.e. 7days) and and mail or insta us..

Voting will be done by comments of non participants... the process will be held for 1 week(i.e. 7 days)

Which ever graphics get more vote will be declared as winners on 15th day

The prize of winning graphic would be that we will at least give 5 vote and 5 comment on any book of winner. (Also for some tough contest diffrent and better prizes will be introduced)

All established as well as non-establishe graphic designer can participate.

Basically its a contest book in which every month two contest would be held...

Filmy Cover ContestsWhere stories live. Discover now