Chapter 3

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(That's Calypso/ Sueki on the pic)

The smell of wolves and trees were everywhere I think atmosphere knowing I was getting closer to my destination. The hill was steeper than I remembered watching the trees around the pathway get thicker. I heard the yelling and howling before me and knew it was Tsune's raging voice again missing the moments where she bonked her son on the head for several reasons and one of them were just for the fun of it.

"....I thought you said only three people live here Akarui" Calypso said from within my kimono.

"It is" I replied back to her sniffing the air surprised to smell four chakra presence except for three.

'Maybe his Dad's here from that long ass time of getting milk like he said' I thought.

I reached to the top of the hill getting closer to the house that seemed to be quiet for now. My feet creeked at the porch readying myself to knock or say 'Delivery' to surprise them, but nothing came out nor did I raise my hand. I didn't know what would happen if they saw me.

They probably won't remember me without my usual appearance. What if Kiba's hates me now because of our unprepared long distance relationship and he never wants to see me again and then he told Tsune who will definitely kill me!

'Your thinking too much child, just knock'

" Well I see your finally awake"

'I just don't feel like barking to you in that form. It's much easier this way'

"I'll walk you out the door" A manly voice said grabbing me out of my thoughts.

"Thanks" An unknown feminine voice came next, not wanting to be seen, scurring to the nearest bush knealing down listening.

A girly laughter came out the house and I pushed a few twigs out the way to see through the bush.

"What are you-" I cutted Calypso off before it was too late.

"Shhh or they might hear you" I mouthed out knowing Inuzuka's have great senses.

I could see a head of honey brown and a orange outfit. I don't remember her scent so that must mean she's new. But why is she here at my mans momma house, did he replaced me with another women, maybe it's just a friend.

I saw the chick stand on her toes and kissed his cheek; I died.

So many naughty words shot through my head briskly. How can she just go up and kiss MY wolf like that, keyword.

MY Man!

MY Inuzuka!

NOT yours!

I saw Kiba's face turn red blushing not doing or saying anything to stop her. Were they dating? Did he forget all about me that quickly?

My head pounded not letting the nonexistent tears appear after training so hard to stop and getting the feeling of anger inside of me instead. I should've known love doesn't exist.

I pulled myself up from my hiding place going to grab Lypse, until I got thrown into the ground feeling the dirt hit my back then side, till I was basically rolling with the person. Once the twirling fiasco was over for sure, I groaned placing my hand on the side of my now even more throbbing head. Nothing but warm wetness covered one side of my face not holding back the laugh of its ticklish touch remembering the moments like these again from the wolf pack.

I heard a yell stopping all the fun and twisting my head to see a flabbergasted Tsune looking shocked at me.

"Ummm.... Hi" I waved nervously but quickly got hit in the head by her almighty fist.

I placed my hands on my head to stop the pain and looked at her "Uh Ouch!"

"That's what you deserve, scaring half the whole village wondering where you were for three freaking years" She belowed

I shook at her loud voice and heard my best friend calling my name who was beside the other wolves around me. I took her in my embrace and scratched her head when seeing some of the wolves wagging their tails in a manner and literally drooling at the black furred canine in my arms.

"Mom who's that at our door this time? One of Kiba's fr-" Hana's; Kiba's older sisters voice stopped once she came out the door way and saw what was going on.

"Akaruikage your finally home!" She smiled and I picked myself up and went over to embrace her.

Hana then pushed me back but kept firm of my shoulders and asked "Where have you been Mrs.Kazekage..."

"Gomen'nasai, see what had happened was that the last mission we went on was to Sun- wait... You know?" Finally realizing what she called me by.

"Well of course, from the now Kazekage being the youngest Kage ever and then getting married. Oh yeah word travels fast" She grinned

"It's not what you think. Me and Gaara aren't a real thing"

"If that's what you say brat, if that's what you say"

I wanted to keep going with my reasoning, yet another voice shut me down once again. I turned my head to the voice forgetting about the reason I was here until I met the onyx slit eyes I had to imagine in my head for the post three years.

"Akarui..-kage... Y-your back" Kiba stuttered walking closer to me.

He was taking another step coming my way (BABY WONT YOU COME MY WAAAY!!!). Until the other girl came up behind him grabbing his arm holding him back. My eyes were emotionless before I could react but still had that hint of a glare and watched as they had a eye chat with each other. He looked back at me with a smile and waved.

Is that all I get from not seeing the love of my life for a couple of years? A wave and smile.

Where did the Kiba that I knew go? The one that I didn't even go out with but would still crush me into a hug for no reason, or be loud and cocky like usual. I haven't been gone for that long. That girl, she's gonna die.

Another feminine voice came running up the hill and heard two pair of footsteps coming up. The teenager had dark violet/blue hair, creamy white flawless skin, her eyes were a pale violet color with a genuine smile cascading along her lips.

Her friend came beside her wearing a long trench coat with a black attire, remembering his remarkable achievement in wearing those glasses for the longest now, I would've thought he got out of the habit.

The girls violet eyes went from the Inuzuka boy she was calling out earlier then to meet my gaze. I heard her gasp and a tear slid down her cheek.


           "Long time no see Hinata....."

Save Me *sequel To The Shadow And The DogUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum