The dance

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We finally get inside the dance and we see all these girls having fun together but one really caught my eye "Jacob just go talk to her!" Wow cam could tell I was staring her down maybe I shouldn't make myself so obvious and just go talk to her like I'm Jacob Sartorious! I went up to her and tapped her shoulder "hi I just saw you from over there and thought that you were absolutely beautiful and I was wondering if you would want to dance with me tonight?" "Hi I'm Rachel and sure i would love too and I'm flattered but you look really familiar to me and you on Instagram or something?" "Yeah I'm Jacob Sartorious" "wait what holy crap omg i litterally love you so much I watch all your you nows and I was gonna go to magcon but I got sick so I couldn't!" "Aw that sucks I wish I could have met you before but it's better late than never right?!" "Oh my gosh right!" We got to talking a lot that night when the song thinking out loud comes on we both instantly look at eachother and I ask her to dance... I lead her out on to the dance floor and we were pretty far apart for a while until I snuck a kiss in there... Wow she was amazing I held her closer to me and I didn't want the dance to end! After the song was over she kissed me again and she gave me her number and I gave her mine. She told me to text her soon after the dance... When other slow songs came on we danced to them and hugged and kissed it was truly one of the best nights ever and to make it even better I got pics of us dancing together and kissing!

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