The Soldier and the Bear

Start from the beginning

"And what of the citizens? Is everyone accounted for?" Galmar nodded. "Seal the dungeon. Make sure everyone stays safe down there." Galmar nodded and turned to motion for Ulfric's houscarl.
"You heard the man. Lock them in." Valyn had goosebumps rise all over her skin and she resisted the urge to rub at her arms. She wondered how terrifying it must be for them, just waiting in the dark, knowing that today's sunlight could be the last daylight they might ever see. Once the skinny, dark haired housecarl had left, Galmar cleared his throat to get Ulfric's attention. Ulfric had been staring at the Valyn and how her strong jaw added to her Nordic beauty.

"Ulfric, do you think it was wise to gather the townspeople in the dungeon?" Galmar questioned.

"I thought we agreed that it was the best option. We did not have time to evacuate when we heard the news of the approaching army." Ulfric sounded slightly peeved.

"But if we do not succeed in holding our ground before the Imperials retreat, they are doomed to die like cornered deer. They have no way of defending themselves." Ulfric growled at Galmar's words, but his answer was full of acceptance and regret.

"I know this. But there is nothing else I could have done for them. I wish there was another way."

"There may have been--"

"I am done talking about this. What is done, is done. We have a war at our door step and we need to be ready for it. Please, I need you by my side to win this war." Galmar stepped down and returned to his place besides the Jarl.

"Of course. I'm sorry." But he did not look sorry. Galmar had the expression of distrust and annoyance on his face. He did not approve of Ulfric's decisions. Valyn felt some tension from him and she called him out on it.

"Is there something wrong Galmar?" She had a warning in the tone of her voice, telling him to watch his step, daring him to say something bad about Ulfric. He is playing with fire.

"Nothing but the nagging feeling that something bad is going to happen to all those people. And it will be a certain someone's fault." He grumbled.

"I suggest you watch your tongue, or there will be consequences." Valyn grumbled right back.

"What consequences? You are just a girl. No matter how much Ulfric seems to think you are special and how much he talks about you on a regular basis, you aren't. Now I suggest you leave me alone." Ulfric's cheeks went red. Valyn's did too.

"Galmar." Ulfric had risen out of his chair and approached the man. "Stand down." Ulfric was forceful and commanding, and Galmar could see that he was not fooling around.

"Why should I listen to you? We are all going to die! And it is your fault."

"Boys, boys. Can we please focus on the more pressing matters? Like for instance, the friendly neighborhood Imperial army, perhaps?" Sade was trying her best to calm them down, but neither of them even paid attention to her. She looked back at Valyn who only shook her head. "Guys!" Valyn stood nearby with a word on the top of her tongue, just I case the two men needed to be knocked to their senses.

"I don't recognize you, Ulfric. You aren't the same man I came to know. You've almost destroyed all of the Empire, and for what? There isn't going to be any Skyrim left when this war is over!" The men had reached the point where their noses were almost pressed together. Neither of them made a move. "I want to worship Talos just as much as you do, but I don't want to kill people to get what I want." Ulfric acted as if he got hit with a blunt object. He took a step back and looked Galmar right in the eye.

"I never meant for anyone to die. I only thought that what I was doing was right. I thought you thought the same thing." Ulfric sounded like a wounded animal to Valyn. Hurt, scared, and terrifying. Galmar nodded.

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