Part 1

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It's Good Mythical More, and Link isn't Link. Rhett decides to ask about it, worried about his best friend.

"Dude, I know everyone's thinking this, and I'm worried about you too, man, so I have to ask, what's wrong, Link?"

Link adjusts himself in his seat, turning to Rhett. "I don't know what you're talking about," Link says, obviously avoiding the question. Turning back to the camera, he continues the GMM More as planned, well tries. Halfway through Link's segway to the '5 more crazy people in Maine', he is interrupted by Rhett's hand on his shoulder. Rhett turns Link towards himself, "Really, dude, stop avoiding it. Tell me – us what's freaking wrong with you."

"That's really for another day – another episode. Now, a guy – " Link proceeds to share the information in his notes, but Rhett is hardly interested. Rhett looks over at Link, then down at the desk, then the camera, then Link again. His thick eyebrows are knitted with concern, and his eyes squinting, as if he's thinking.

Link had been shaking a lot that day, and he knew it. He'd made a point to ignore it, but Rhett was making him think. What was wrong with him? Link half-heartedly read through his notes, leaving the mythical beasts with a big grin and the peace signs at the end of the episode.

Link stood up and began to push in his chair, but he immediately couldn't handle it anymore, and fell to his knees. Tears streamed from his eyes, and he couldn't help it. He wanted to help it, but he didn't – he couldn't.

"Guys," Rhett said looking up from Link, "would you go back to your offices for a few? Thank you."

Now that the crew was gone, Link really fell apart.

"Link," Rhett wasn't very good at comforting, but he was trying, "Dude, what's wrong?" Rhett is trying to keep himself from crying at this point. There's a music video shoot later and they can't be red-faced and poofy-eyed for it.

"Link, look at me!" Rhett realizes that was a little harsh, "Sorry dude, but I just... look at me."

Link looks up slowly at his best friend. "I'm sorry dude, really, I don't know what's happening, and I don't mean to worry you and –"Sobbing overtakes him again and Link sinks back down to the floor. Rhett sits down on the floor beside Link and places his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Dude, I'm not sure exactly what's wrong, you won't tell me, but I promise," Rhett is beginning to cry now, "I promise I'll be here man, always." Rhett watches Link's shoulders rise and fall with each gasp of air.

"I'm sorry Rhett," Link half spoke, half breathed, "I don't mean to do this to you. I really don't" Link sniffs and wipes his eyes. Rhett gets up, and takes Link's outstretched hand, pulling him to his feet.

"Don't worry about me, okay?" Link looks up at Rhett, who notices the tears still sparkling in his eyes. Rhett holds out his hand for a bro hug. 3 pats.

"I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't worry about you."

Link finally emerges from the dressing room probably 20 minutes after Rhett does. Rhett doesn't say anything until Link plops into his chair at the desk facing Rhett's. Link takes off his glasses, and lays his head on his laptop. Then, as if shaking it all off, he begins singing Adele. Pretty soon Rhett joins in, and next thing they know their dancing around the office to their own vocals.

Link's okay, I guess, Rhett thought to himself, I guess.

Breathing hard, Link falls back into his chair, with the most genuine smile Rhett had seen all day.

"That was fun," Link says, panting between each breath. Rhett nodded, to tired to bother actually speaking.

"We should probably go shoot that music video now, Nick said he was going to help with the mountain biking scene at 2, and it's 1:30 now. The more we sho—"

Link opens his laptop, "I'm just not feeling it, dude. I mean, I still want to do the video, just not now." Rhett tries to be as understanding as possible, and does his best not to let his irritation with Link show.

"That's fine," A sigh, "I'll call Nick and reschedule."

"Thanks man," Link said, tipping his snap back hat.

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