Scott shook his head. "They weren't going to kill anyone. And I'm not letting them die."

"Could you at least think about letting Derek die? For me?" Stiles asked.

"I'm not letting him die. I really need to find them. Mina took an arrow for me, so at least I can do is find them. Did you ever ask her?" Scott said.

Stiles hoped he wasn't asking about that. He tried to play it off.

"Ask who about what?"

Scott raised his eyebrow. "Stiles."

Stiles sighed, he knew he wouldn't get out this one. "Yeah - yeah, I did."

"What did she say?"

Stiles slumped in the chair. "She - she said yes."

"That's great. But, why don't you look happy about it? I thought you wanted this. Look, I get that you don't have a date now because she's missing-"

Stiles interrupted him. "It's not that."

"What is it?"

Stiles placed his hands over his face. "She, um, she changed her mind."

"She changed her mind! That's crazy. She couldn't have changed her mind! What did she say?"

"That she's a Hale and they don't do things like this. She also said she didn't want to go with an annoying - spastic - idotic - loser."

"That seems a bit harsh. She doesn't mean it though, that doesn't sound like her."

"Scott, I asked her if Peter or Derek made her do it. She said no."

"She's lying."

Stiles looked up at him ridiculously. "Yeah, and how would know that? Who even told you I was going to ask her anyway?"


"I never told her. I never told anyone."

"I guess Mina told her then. But, before you say anything you should here what she told Allison."

"Let me guess, she feels sorry for me that's why she said yes?"

Scott shook his head. "No, Allison asked Mina if she wanted to go with you. Mina said yes."

"Then why would she change her mind last minute?"

Scott remembered something Peter told him. "Peter said that the people closest to us could be holding us back. Maybe that's the reason why she said it to you, I mean out of the two of us, she likes you a bit more."

Stiles shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know anymore." Stiles notices Scott having a distant look on his face. "What?"

"My mom just got home from work."

"Is she okay? What's she doing?"

"She's crying," Scott said with a guilty face.

"Scott, you can't protect everyone."

"I have to."


Mina's POV

Crack! I felt my legs break from Kate's crowbar. She would ask either Derek or me about the alpha. They never figured out it was Peter. Derek and I kept our mouths shut, so we either get hit with a crowbar, electrocuted, or punched.

"Come on. He killed your sister. Now - either you're not telling me because, well, you want to kill him yourselves, or for some reason - you're protecting him." Derek and I just glared at her. "Look at your sour faces. I bet you always used to get people coming up to you saying, 'Smile, guys.' 'Why don't you smile more?' Don't you just wanna - kick those people in the face?"

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