(AN:Trying to give yall as many pictures of Lay as I can before she loses her hair.)

"You was a good girl?" Aug asked, scooping her up and placing her on his hip. Lay quickly nodded.

"Girl how you been with everything?" Kelsey asked, wiping the slobber from Londyn's mouth.

"I been...okay. We have a lot to talk about though."

Both of them were so busy that they barely had time to hang out or talk anymore.

"Alright. I'll call you. Maybe all the girls should do something soon. It's been a minute."

"Yeah, just let me know. I'm on the way to my Nana's. See you later." Olivia kissed Londyn on the cheek before hugging Chris and Kelsey.

August said his goodbyes and we were back in the car, making the drive to my Nana's.

Sorry by Justin Bieber blared through the speaker, causing Olivia to clap her hands. This was her favorite song.

The three of them sang along loudly, enjoying themselves.

"Is it too late now to say sorry? Cause I'm...."

"Missin mo' 'den jus' yo body."

"Is it too late now to say sorry? Ohhh." The two of them looked at Lay to finish.

"I knoooo da agh leh yu dine!" She sung the lyrics as best as she could.

"Is it too late to say sorry now?"

They all danced until the song was over. It was moments like this that Olivia cherished the most and would never forget.

A few minutes later, they pulled up to Olivia's grandmother's house. Aug helped Lay out and they all held hands, walking up to her door step. Olivia knocked on the door and her nana answered quickly.

"My babies! I've missed yall!" She gave all of them hugs before picking up Layla.

"And how are you beautiful?"

Layla hid her face in Rosa's neck. She had met her plenty of times but since she wasn't around her as often, she wasn't fully open.

"Awww don't be shy. I have cookies! Want some?"

Lay's head quickly shot up as she giggled. "Yes!" She exclaimed as all of them sat at the kitchen table.

After eating a big lunch, they sat and talked with nana, catching her up on everything.

August reached for Olivia's hand, holding it to comfort her. They really came to inform Rosa of the bad news.

"Nana....I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Rosa frowned, looking back and forth between August and Olivia.

"Layla...she's really sick. As positive as we've all been about it, she isn't progressing much."

Rosa looked at Lay who was in the living room watching TV before back at the 2 of them.

"Is it that bad?" She asked again.

"Stage 3 brain cancer." August replied, shaking his head. "Ms. Rosa, im a strong man but I need some prayer from you. I feel like God not listenin' to me. I mean why would he take my baybeh from me? I ain't the best Christian but I try my best."

Tears began falling from August's face as Olivia rubbed his back. She didn't want to say the typical it's going to be okay because she honestly didn't even know if she believed that herself.

"Come on, get up." Rosa said. The three of them stood up and held hands.

"Bow your heads and close your eyes."

Rosa cleared her throat before checking to make sure their eyes were closed.

"Dear God, we come to you today with wounded hearts. One of your children is sick and all we can do is come to you. As much as we want to ask why, we know that everything You do is for a reason. I ask that You place your loving hands on Layla. Heal her from this pain. Show her that she is strong enough to over come this. And if it's in your will that this is close to end, lay your hands on us as well, because this is something that our hearts and minds can't bare to witness. These many things we ask in Your darling son Jesus' name, Amen."

"Amen." Olivia whispered.

"Amen." August said, wiping his tears. He dropped to his knees and began to cry loudly, causing Layla to get up from her spot on the couch.

"Daddy?" She asked, her mouth full of cookies.

"Wan one?" She held her half eaten cookie out for him.

August took the cookie, smiling before biting into it. "Thank you." He laughed a little, standing up and hugging Rosa.

"Thank you Rosa. I luh' you." He said to her, rubbing her back.

Besides his mother, she was the only other person he cherished and looked up to. He hoped that one day he could be as humble and spiritual as she was.

"I think we should get going." Olivia smiled, grabbing Lay's bag. "I'll call you Nana. Stay safe."

They all hugged before the three of them were back in the car.

August and Olivia decided that they would see the planner another day. It was clear that August wasn't in the mood to do much.

The ride home was silent. August drove while Lay slept, and Olivia stared out the window. She was in deep thought about everything going on around her.

Once they made it in, Aug tucked Lay in for her nap before putting on a coat.

"Where are you going?" Olivia asked.

"Out. I need to clear my mind." August sighed before grabbing Olivia and kissing her passionately.

"I love you." He said, pronouncing every syllable.

"August you're scaring me." Olivia laughed nervously.

"You'll be back right?"

"I promise."

And with that he left, leaving Olivia alone.

She decided to call Kelsey.


"Hey girl, you busy?"

"No. Chris is at the mall with Londyn. You need something?"

"I'm finally alone, can you come over? And don't forget to bring th-"

"I'm on my way." Kelsey said before hanging up.


"How long has it been?"

"30 more seconds." Kelsey said as Olivia paced her bedroom floor.

"Alright....it's done."

They both walked to the bathroom door, scared to open it.

"Kelsey I'm so scared." Olivia admitted, biting her bottom lip.

"I promise ima ride with you through whatever. You got this alright? You strong."

Olivia nodded as they both opened the door.

3 pregnancy tests laid on the counter, Kelsey looked at each of them before looking back at Olivia.


"What? What do they say?"


Soooo I really need opinions. Do you think Olivia is pregnant? Do you want her to be?

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