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Olivia's Pov:

"HE WHAT!!!!" My best friend screeched through the phone "yeah you heard me he's making me work double 12 hour shifts" I repeat again into the phone not wanting to explain it a third time " Liv you work to hard, take some time off your working yourself to the brink" Hailee replied " Hailee you know I work because I have to I don't have enough time or money to take days off" I explain getting irritated she already knew all this " fine I've got to go my shift starts in half an hour I'll ring you later okay?" Hailee asked me before hanging up.

Sitting down at the stool behind the counter the café wasn't very busy today so I had no need to be running around. There are only two customers sitting on opposite sides  of the restaurant. One elderly woman maybe in her early fifty's. Although She was old She seem on some leave of sufistocation, her short cut jet black hair looks recently dyed, he black pantsuit screamed business woman and the lines in the forehead told me she didn't smile much but more of a permeant scowl . However the other customer was young probably just older than me he had grey eyes ,blond hair and seemed to be engaged in the phone conversation he was trying to have without disturbing anyone .

I let out a loud sigh as I looked at the clock two hours down ten to go ....

~several hours later ~

As my shift was ending I placed my apron into the cupboard next to my bosses office. Sighing I exit  through the back door , before closing it I look out over the cafè making sure it was clean and then shutting the door and making sure it was locked. I lived no longer than two minutes away from the small café which I never bothered to learn how to pronounce. As it was a winters night the ice was starting to stick and it was cold very Cold. I turned onto my street unfortunately I lived in the not so nice parts of town and walking around at night wasn't very safe. Walking along the very long street that had very little street lamps was the worst part about walking home it creeped me out and I didn't know why.

Opening my front door was a relief I made it home safe again "yay" I said sarcastically placing my bag on the table that sat directly in the middle of my apartment. Have you ever been to those 24hour motels where theres only one room and the toilet and bathroom are combined? Well that's what my apartment is like. It's nothing special and amazingly small but it was the only thing I could afford and I was already working 2 jobs a third would  have ended me . Changing into my pjs ,locking my front door and texting Hailee that I made it home safe there's no need to send a search party done I was finally able to climb into my bed ,pulling the sheets down and falling into slumber was my favourite part of the day.

💘hey guys I'm back "yaya" this book I have everything planned out and ready to go the start might be boring but I insure you it gets better much better so stay turned 🙄

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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