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"Don't look so worried, Hermione. I mean at least he isn't dead!" says Harry. "No, he isn't, he just left me to re-join his former friends! I mean why couldn't he have just told me her didn't want to marry me anymore? Why put me through this whole year thinking that the worst had happened to him?" I'm angry. I have a right to be. As the three of them attempt to calm me down, I stand up and storm out of the apartment. It's too much to process right now. I need air. As I reach the end of the corridor, I immediately apparate to the place that comes into my head. The Leaky Cauldron. The place we were to meet. Everything is reeling through my head. Why did he leave? Why didn't he tell me he was having cold feet? Why did he feel as though he had to run away from it? From me? He could have talked to me.

I take a drink from the bar and make my way out to the back. Its freezing, but having recently taken up the bad habit of smoking, it's the only place I can go. I want quiet, and being in a pub is the last place I will find it. I light up, take a pull and finally take a deep breath. I'm not relaxed, but now I have time to think and process all that I have learned. Draco is in hiding with former death eaters. The ministry had gotten wind of it through the American Wizarding Embassy. So that must mean he is somewhere in the United States of America. How did he go from cake tasting to hiding out in the US with former colleagues? As angry as I am, I realize some things aren't adding up. For one, Draco isn't the kind of person to stick with something he doesn't want. Even though he did get in with death eaters at a young age. But then he had no choice. If he was having cold feet, then the months we had spent together wouldn't have been so amazing. Something about this wasn't right. Finishing my smoke, and feeling guilty, I decide I should return to the apartment to hear what information Harry and Ron have.

"I'm sorry guys, I shouldn't have run out like that. You are the first to give me any sort of information on Draco's whereabouts." Ginny proceeds to hug me. "It's okay. It's not every day you find out that your fiancée has run off to be with his old colleagues. But in saying that, we don't really know that he had a choice, Hermione." "Ginny is right, Hermione. We didn't get a chance to finish." Says Harry. I take my seat at the table, awaiting this new information.

"Kingsley called us in late last night. He said he had gotten the first lead on Draco, that Andrew, the US guy said that Draco had been spotted in California. I know it's far away, but all the Wizarding embassies have been notified of Draco's disappearance, in case he turned up somewhere." Explains Ron. "Yeah, so someone spotted him with a man. The description the man gave to the Embassy was a man, tall, blocky and dark haired. Appeared to have a tattoo on his left arm. The description of the tattoo matches the dark mark." I know all of this already. I wish they would get to the part that is supposed to convince me that Draco didn't just decide to leave me. "The thing is, the man overheard Draco arguing with the other man. Something about him wanting his life back, that he had done what he was asked." Says Harry. My stomach flips. Maybe it's true. "Even if that is true, why has he been off the radar? Why didn't he try contact someone, anyone?" I ask. "Shacklebolt has a theory that someone, whoever he is working for, made some sort of threat. Maybe to him, his mother, or you." Adds Ron. It makes sense. "So Shacklebolt doesn't think that Draco just upped and left with the former death eaters. He thinks that Draco had no choice." Says Ginny. "So, all those times that he had to be somewhere in Diagon Alley, it was to meet with someone in that circle. It makes sense." I say. "Shacklebolt is currently devising a plan." Says Harry. "What kind of plan?" I ask, feeling nervous. "He wants to get Draco back. He hasn't got it worked out yet, but he said we will get him back." Says Ron. "We, as in he is enlisting both of you?" I ask, slightly panic stricken. As much as I want Draco back, I don't want my two best friends getting hurt either. "Don't worry, Hermione. Shacklebolt won't send them in if he thinks there is any chance something will happen." Says a calm Ginny. I'll take her word for it.

"Has anyone told Narcissa?" I ask. Nobody answers. Not surprising. After Draco disappeared Narcissa changed. She seemed to believe that it was my fault. That I had obviously done something to cause this. We had gotten along so well, she bought us this apartment. But now Narcissa was nasty. There was no getting through to her. But then she needed to know that her son was alive, and hopefully well. "Someone needs to tell her. I suppose I should do it." I say. "Do you want me to go with you? She wouldn't dare hurt you with me around." asks Ginny. Knowing I will need the moral support, I accept Ginny's offer. Standing up, I hug Ron, Harry and then Ginny, and thank them for telling me, and understanding my response. "I'll apparate to your house when I'm ready to face Cissa." I tell her. Ginny nods, they say goodbye, and they leave. I hear three faint popping noises seconds later. Now I'm free to let it out. I cry. And I cry. I finally know that my Draco is alive, and possibly still loves me. Could he still love me as much as I love him? I'm angry at how short our relationship, our adventure was cut. But I'm grateful for my friends, for them coming to me, to tell me that there is hope.

I decide I need to sleep before confronting Cissa. I need to process everything that has happened, and all that is to come. Cissa may not want to see me, but I cannot keep the fact that the Minister for Magic is currently making a plan of action to rescue her son, all to myself. When I wake up, I will go to her, with Ginny, and tell her that her son is alive, and we are bringing him home.

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