How To: Start a Story

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It's quite terrifying when you think of how to start a story, isn't it? The thoughts of how it's going to turn out is nagging you constantly, making you want it to be as good as it can possibly be. Let me tell you now: not everyone starts a story in the same way.

Personally, I write bits at a time - whenever inspiration strikes and I feel like I know where I want the story to go. There's always the climax and resolution in mind, but I don't plan out the chapters in detail. I (Katie) like knowing mainly what the chapter will be about, but I write as my mind gives me the freedom to do. Once I know the climax, the resolution, and the ending - I just go for it!

Some people find it better to know exactly what's going to happen in every single chapter before even writing the prologue. Moni does that. Before she starts writing the story, she plans all the main events and writes down an outline with the basic ideas of each chapter and some times even a few dialogues. She always knows how the story will evolve and end before she starts writing. That puts her at ease and it makes easier for her to write.

Some others just go with the flow... they don't even know what's going to happen, they end up as surprised as the readers.

Everyone is different in the way they start a story. 

Be confident. Don't be afraid of sharing your story, let the worries of votes/comments/reads leave your mind. Don't write specifically for those three things. Don't worry about pleasing everyone else! Write for you, to be happy, to enjoy the moment.

Don't stress about the order you're writing in. I've written the epilogue to a story before I even finished writing chapter four of that story. It depends on your style and what you feel inspired to write.

Know what your climaxs/resolutions are! This kind of goes back to the 'plotline' chapter, but knowing these things before you even write the first chapter is a good idea! This gives direction to your story and it helps you to name the story. Knowing the main conflict/climax is key to know what you book will be about.

Write what you're comfortable with, when you're comfortable! Don't force yourself into starting a story, just because you feel it needs to be done. Some people are fast writers, they can finish a story in just a few months. If you're slower, don't think twice about it! Don't rush it, because then it'll be sloppy! Write for yourself, not for others.

The real point in writing is to enjoy every moment. To suffer for your characters, to be happy for them. If you get stressed or if you feel like it's an obligation, then things are not okay. Write because you love it, not because you want to be popular. Write because it's fun. Write because you want your characters to come alive.

It's not about the votes and comments, it's about enjoying every moment of writing. Sharing is just part of it.

So before you even start to write, remember that. Fall in love with your idea, with your characters. Feel that eagerness to write. If you don't feel intersted, if you're not dying to write the next chapter... then how do you expect your readers to be interested? It starts with you.

All you need is to love what you're writing. You can't please everyone, but you can please yourself. It doesn't matter if the others don't even read your story... do you like what you're doing? Yes? Then keep going! Again, it starts with you. Never forget that.

Hoping this helped,
-Katie, Moni & Tina.

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