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I hope this story gets read! I'm kind of new to wattpad, so I'm not quite sure exactly How it all works yet... but I'll figure it out.



"OMS!!! NO WAY!! AHHHH!!!" my best friend screamed after I had just told her that... I won FRONT AND CENTER ROW TICKETS to Cody Simpson's concert!!! She is a HUGE fan of his, and forces me to watch his videos, and listen to his music. He has a good voice and all, but he seems kind of fake.

So let me tell you a little bit about me, and my life before now. I'm 15, I go to Lincoln high school, in Sacramento, California. California seems all glamourous and all that, but that's only really in L.A. or the rich parts. Anyways, my name is Emily but everyone calls me Ems. I'm not very popular at school, but I have two best friends: Alice and Ryan. My dad is a 'security detail' for celebrities and stuff, and my mom died when I was young. Enough about me, back to the story.

" Yes way! I got two of course." "But How? those must have been like a thousand bucks!" " My dad knows some people." "Of course he does!" We live about a block away from eachother, so we walk to school and home everyday together. "I can't believe tomorrow is our last day of school! Woohoo summer!!" I say, then jump up and down enthusiasticly. "I know! Well I'll see you tomorrow Ems !" "bye!" We both walk our sepret ways, and go home. I get to my fairly big house, open the door and walk to my room, lay on my bed, kick off my shoes and start to text Ryan.

*text conversation*

'heyy' 'hey ems ' 'what's up?' 'Nothing :/' 'lame, did Ali text you yet?' 'oh, yeah! you got tickets for you both? that's cool' 'you wanna go? I could get another aha' 'no, you can have fun girling out' 'aha we will!' 'Okay, well I gtg, ttyl. ' 'okay, bye!' 'bye'

*end text conversation*


Sorry this chapter was kind of boring, it will get more interesting, trust me!

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Cody?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat