Nightmares and Memeries

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Eleanor's P.O.V

"Night dad"I said.

"Little Bitch can you not see that I am watching the football game"My 'dad' said.

"dickhead"I whispered.

I said night to Eli and Lily.I went to my room and went to bed.

***nightmare begins***

"Okay Eles don,t come out till I say so" Marian said.

I nodded and my 'dad' called her down.She went to see what was it I packed the rest if Marian's stuff then went to mines.

"Little bitch get down here"my dad said.

"No Ely stay up there"Marain said.

"When I count to 5 you better be here Eleanor Jazmine Robbins"My 'dad' said.

I opened my door and I got out and was walking down the stairs and my dad was hit Marian with a belt on her stomach.He looked up and threw a glass plate at me but I ducked it.

"James leave them alone their only 12 and 7"my mum said.

"Oh shut up Rydel"my 'dad' said.

He turned around and slapped my mom hard enough.He took me and Marian to the bath room turn on hot water and threw us in their pushing our heads down.I saw Marian not moving I closed my eyes and stood still my dad left us there.I got out dragging Marian's body out if there.My mum came in Eli was walking and Lily was being carried by my 'dad'.

"You okay girls"mum asked?

I nodded no and Marian still 'asleep'.My and my mum were crying I lost my sister.

"I promise he won,t hurt you anymore"Was the last thing my mum said.

My 'dad' stabbed her back and a pool of blood around her.I took Eli and ran to Brad's.I knocked and I had bloodshot eyes.Brad a swerved it I was still hot and wet.He opened his arms and I ran to them.

"What's wrong Eles"Brad asked?

"My person that calls himself my dad drowned Marian and Stabbed my mom"I managed to get out.

I sleptover at Brads with Eli that day.

***nightmare over***

I woke up and hot water poured on my face.

"Bloody Lily what was that for"I said.

I got a slap she got a punch to the face.My dad came and slapped me harder than before.I got dressed and went to the kitchen for breakfast.There was a note on the Refrigerator it was from that dickhead and spoiled brat A.K.A my dad and my sister.I got Eli and we went to the market.

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