Little troublemaker

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**Emma's POV**

I get back from school and I'm exhausted. School isn't my thing. The teachers hate me. Probably cause I keep running in the halls and sleep in class....Hey! Its boring ok?! Jeez, gimme a break. Anyway, I walk in the house and put my backpack by the door so I don't forget it tomorrow. I look around to see if Sonic or Hope are home. I don't see Hope but I can hear Sonic in the kitchen.

"Sonic, I'm home!"

"Great, how was school?"

"Fine." I walk into the kitchen and sit at the table.

"Really? Well, did you have fun ditching 3rd period?"

'Damn it....I'm in trouble now...' I say to myself as I try to play it cool. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play cute, I got another call form the school saying you didn't go to 3rd. Why is that?"

"I was....'think think think!'.....getting some chilli dogs for my awesome brother, who I love so much?"

He walks by me and pulls my ear. "Stop ditching, and I mean it!"

"Ow! Ok, ok!"

He let's go and walk to his room.

Damn it! That was a close one. I can't let him know I ditched 3rd so me and Tails can hang out. I barley made it back to school in time, but I don't care. I've had a crush on Tails sense we were eight. He's so smart, cute, charming, nice, and....everything. But Sonic gets in the way. He always telling me I can't date until he's Ugh....anyways, he's never gonna let me and Tails be together, him and Tails are best friends, he'll never allow it! Well, its not like Tails will date me anyway. He's perfect and I'm....not....but then one day in his lab. He told me how he felt. He liked me back!! And....he kissed me!! I was so happy! And that's how me and Tails came to be. We've been "dating" for about a month and I already love him. I know, its only been a month, but I've known Tails longer....I'm in love...

At that moment, Hope walks in. Hope is my best friend. Her and Cream. Hope is Sonic's girlfriend. She's the best. She has to be one of the strongest, scariest, most toughest persons I know. And she can talk Sonic out of anything and into anything. I remember this one time Sonic grounded me for getting in a fight at school. I tried to explain why, but he wouldn't listen, as usual. But Hope talked to him for a few minutes and the next thing I know, he brings me chilli dogs! (*^ω^*)

Hope walks in the kitchen, taking her motorcycle helmet off. "Hey Emma, how was school?"

"It was ok."

"Yeah? Where's Sonic?"

"In his room"

"Alright." She sits next to me. "Did you ditch again?"

"*giggles* Yeah"

"You little rebel."

"I'm known as troublemaker, thank you very much."

"And that's a good thing how?"


"You need to control yourself. I don't think I can help you out of this one, Emma. I didn't even ditch, sure I got into fights, but never ditching."

" and Tails-"

"And that's another thing! You can't hide that from Sonic forever, Y'know!" She says with a whisper. She's the only person who knows about me and Tails.

"I will if I have too."

"Ugh, whatever. I'm gonna go lay with Sonic. I'm tired." She gets up and walks to Sonics room.

Fuck. Hope's right! Me and Tails can't hide forever! But if Sonic finds out, he'll have a shit-fit. What am I gonna do.....!?

Its been a few hours and its starting to get dark. That means me and Tails sneak out and have our time. Tails doesn't really like the idea of going behind my brothers back just to date me, but its the only way we can be together to see each other. All Sonic thinks is that we're just really good friends. Anyways, I don't know what to wear! Maybe just a crop top and skinny jeans. Or even my pajamas, I don't care. (That's me when I go to school. XD)

Right when I put on my crop top, Tails come knocking at my window. I rush to him and open the window to let him in.

"Hey Emma, you ready?"

"Yeah, let me get my phone."

I walk over to my bed and pick up my phone. But.....someone knocks at my door.....

"Emma? Its me! Can I come in? We need to talk"

It was Sonic.....oh shit......

To be continued......

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