'So...No sunny beach, no snow...' Seitaro said while thinking, 'Oh! Maybe the mountains? Not extremely far, a beautiful place and kind of cheap.'

'That sounds great, I think we should do it!'

'Wow-wow, wait a minute guys...' Rin said, 'It's a good idea...' immediately she turned to Seitaro 'But don't think we are the best friends now or something,' before she spins back to Yuka and Yuuta 'How can we go to the mountains? There are no busses or trains there...'

'Well, I already figured that out,' Seitaro explained, 'Yuuta, can we borrow your car?'

Before Yuuta can answer, Rin interrupted him: 'No! We can't go with his lousy old GPS-less car.'

Well, we can, Seitaro smiles, while thinking back about the memory. And she decided to join them, even though she had to travel in Yuuta his car.

Seitaro grabs his bag, packed for tomorrow and walks downstairs. Rin will be there in a minute. Secretly, he was very nervous. This was the first time that the two would meet together without anyone else of the group...It feels like...a date...

As soon as he thinks it, he denies the thought. She would never like him like that...

The doorbell rings and he opens the door. 'Ready to study nerd?'

'Is that the new nickname for me?'

'I still like Mr. Grey-pants, don't worry about it.'

She sits down on his couch and grabs the biology book from the table 'So...Photosynthesis...The sooner we start, the sooner we can start the movie.'

Seitaro smirks at the girl 'You really want to see that movie?'

Rin turns her head away to hide her blushing cheeks 'Yeah, sure...'

After a few hours the presentation is finally finished.

'So, want to watch that movie?' Rin asks the grey-haired guy.

'Not yet actually, maybe we can do the dishes first? I mean, I already made dinner for the both of us, so it's fair you do the dishes with me.'

Seitaro stands up and walks into the kitchen. Like a shadow, Rin follows him.

Before they start, Rin grabs him by his sleeve 'Don't ever tell this to Yuuta or Yuka. It would ruin my image.'

He laughs 'You can't lose something that you don't have.'

He stops as she keeps quiet 'Rin...Did I just make you speechless?'

She doesn't look back at him and focus on doing the dishes 'No, you didn't.' She looks at him now, smirking: 'You never can.'

'Maybe I can...' And before she knows it, he pins her in a smooth movement to the ground. She feels his breath on her face and she blushes, while staring in his teal coloured eyes.

She has to admit, he was handsome...and the grey hair just gave this adorable touch...

He, leaning above her, was thinking the same ting...Yes she may be hot headed, but she was also funny, cute and carefree.

'See?' He whispers 'You are speechless...' And what happened next, was something Rin never expected to happen at all.

She feels Seitaro's soft lips pressing on her own, kissing her. After a moment, she closes her eyes and kisses him back, wrapping her arms aroundhis neck.

Seitaro her heart whispers. She craved him for so long...

Way too soon he pulled back and he locks his eyes with hers. Just when she opens her mouth to say something, the phone starts to ring.

Annoyed and with a sigh, he gets up and picks up the phone.

Shyly and a little embarrassed, Rin gets up too and waits for Seitaro to finish his call.

'That was Yuuta...He told me that he wanted to leave early tomorrow...It's going to be a long ride.'

'I see...' Rin replies, while not looking back at him.

'So...What about that movie?' Seitaro asks, while rubbing his neck.

'I think I'm heading home...I want to have enough sleep...' She doesn't tell Seitaro about the nightmares she always has, about drowning in a lake.

Worried, Seitaro looks at her 'A-are you sure?'

She blinks away some tears that starts to form in her eyes, and answers with her casual voice: 'Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night.'

And with that, she grabs her coat and leaves the house, leaving an confused Seitaro behind.

When she is outside, she starts crying. Why did he have to kiss her? It was just teasing right? He would never, ever love her. He would always see her as an "yamamonkey."

While she walks away, Seitaro follows her with his eyes and softly he whispers 'I love you Rin...'


The feels! Don't worry, I wrote another one shot where they become a couple, it's called: 'You are my Ophelia.' I hope you like this story, leave a comment if you have a request, tips or something nice to say ^^

<3 Really Rooz

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