Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Clip clop.

The parade of horses that accompanied my extravagant chariot created enough noise to draw the attention of townsfolk going about their daily duties.  

I peeked out the purple curtain. A small girl with bright blue eyes was being scolded for what I assume her dripping wet dress. Her eyes went wide when she saw me and shouted, "Look Mama it's the princess!"

I ducked back into the comfort of the carriage. I ran my fingers over the velvet of the seat rhythmically, wishing I were outside instead of this cramped space.

"Princess? Are you even listening to what I was saying?" I looked up. My teacher Mrs. Whitmore stared at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes Madame."

"Good. Now, as I was saying...." I tuned out again.

I knew that the end of our journey was near, as the late afternoon sun was lower along the horizon. Soon we would be back to the palace, my home.

At least it's better then where we just came from. I thought bitterly. Prince Ralf. Indeed. He's so charming, my mother told me. I scoffed at that. He barely even said a word! His vacant eyes stared up at me the whole time, a bit of unsought drool drizzled down his mouth.

In public he was a simpleton, but behind closed doors and in dark hallways, he became something much worse. Vile and manipulative. I experienced it firsthand and never wanted to get in a ten-foot radius of him again.

And I'm supposed to marry him? It's for the good of the kingdom, father said although I know mother made him say that. Sure because Albia wants to see him on the throne.

I dug my pampered fingernails into the velvet and tore a small piece. Why can't I choose whom I wish to marry? Why cant- a loud thud interrupted my thoughts. Mrs. Whitmore poked her head out of the window with a scowl.

"Driver, why have we stopped?"

"Sorry missus, it seems that the guards are checking every carriage before we cross into Albia." She groaned and sat back down, her green gown created a waft of dust when it contacted with the seat.

"I'm sorry princess; it seems that we might get to the palace a bit behind schedule," She looked at me with pitying eyes. I sighed, but secretly I was glad. Poor Madame, I loved her like family, but she never did understand me.

Even though I detested the bumpy carriage, at least I was not locked up like a fugitive. I glanced outside. Several green hills morphed out of a forest contaminated with sunlight. Small flowers dotted the hillside. They would make a lovely present for mother, and an excuse to get out of the carriage and prolong my freedoms.



"May I step out for a moment to gather flowers for mother?" I inquired.

"Certainly not. A princess does not gather flowers. We shall have the driver meet your needs." She motioned to the driver.

"Oh please, Madame, I could do with a bit of fresh air." I pleaded and batted my long eyelashes. I saw her façade crumble under my gaze.

"Oh very well," she yawned. I smiled; I always could get people to do what I wish, “But be careful!"

I rolled my eyes, what harm could come to me? I opened the door and stepped out. The sun soaked in my auburn hair, lighting it on fire. It baked my face with its loving rays. I sighed contently. The five-petal lilac colored flowers were a few feet away. I daintily walked and sniffed them.

They had a sweet aroma, and I briefly closed my eyes. My green eyes trailed up wards to the forest. How lovely it would be to walk in there.

I turned around to check on Mrs. Whitmore. She lay against the back of the seat, snoring faintly, I giggled, perfect. The forest was but a mere twenty feet away and I trotted towards it, turning around often to see if Mrs. Whitmore had caught me in my mischievous deed. Nothing.

I smiled and tasted freedom on my lips as I stepped under the sun-dappled trees. A musty earthy smell protruded from the leaves, which invited me deeper in. I tore off a small piece of my lavender gown and placed it on a branch to mark where I was. I took off my heels and placed them next to the cloth.

My feet relished in the dirt, and even though I knew I would be scolded later, I didn't mind. Some five minutes into the forest, it got darker, and I noticed the sun sinking behind the trees. I best be getting back. I turned around in search of the marker I had placed. So sign of it. Every tree looked the same. Where did I come from? I frantically turned around in circles to look for an escape.

"Looking for these?" I gasped and slowly turned to the direction of the voice. No one was there.

"Who-Where are you?" I searched everywhere for the source of the voice.

"That's what always intrigues me," a male voice said, “no one ever thinks to look up. “At his hint, I looked into the tops of the trees, and a pair of luminous golden eyes stared back at me.

"Hello" he said and jumped down, dangling my heels in front of me.

I tensed. He was a stranger, and I am a princess. He couldn't be much older than me. His dark brown hair was left uncut and danced in front of his almost golden eyes. His green shirt and brown pants made it easy for him to blend in to the trees effortlessly. The one thing that really stood out about him was his green hat with a red feather. How curious.

"Who are you?" I asked timidly. He chuckled.

"Nobody. But I know who you are, princess". My eyes went wide with fright.

"Are you going to harm me?" I whispered when he took a step closer. I noticed a bow on his back, he could easily shoot me and leave my body to rot on the forest floor or worse he could even- I eliminated that thought from my mind.

"I could, couldn't I? But if I let you go, you would be in my debt, and that is much better". He mused to himself, and took a step closer; I reacted with a step in the opposite direction. He looked at home here, nearly blending in with the natural camoflodge of his attire.

"The way out is that way." He pointed to my left, and I noticed a small path I had not seen before. Could I trust him? His eyes were laughing as if he knew my thoughts. I had no choice. I started walking to where he had pointed when his voice stopped me again.

"Princess? These might be useful." He tossed me my heels and chuckled as I failed to catch them. I glared at him, and with another laugh, he faded from my view.

I frantically ran out of the forest, my hair caught on a few twigs and cascaded down my back. I panted as I exited the forest. Twilight had just begun as I ran back to the carriage. Madame was still asleep as I tried to re arrange my hair. Remembering the boy, I slammed the carriage door and closed the curtains. Madame stopped snoring and jolted awake. She took in my flushed face and ragged appearance.

"My dear! What ever happened?" She brushed the leaves from my dress, and noticing my struggled with my hair, did it herself. Should I tell her about the boy? No. It didn't feel right to.

"I fell while I was picking flowers, and my dress got all muddy". She raised an eyebrow, but did not ask any questions.

"You better change before we get to the palace, or your mother will have a fit." I nodded, and the carriage agreed, because we finally moved and went across the border.

Robin (Preview, for more go to my other account)Where stories live. Discover now