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AGATE - Inspires competition and eloquence (perfect if you have something to say). For Mouth - fever - circulation.

AGATE BLUELACE - Composure, calm, balance. Inflammation - fever.

AGATE BOTSWANA - Understanding. Recuperation - infection.

AGATE DENDRITIC - Balance, energy, steadiness. Recuperation.

AGATE MOSS - Assertiveness, renewal. Heart - lungs.

AGATE TREE - Organisation, management. Chest - stomach.

ALEXANDRITE - Investment, growth. Nerves.

ALMANDINE - Inspiration, tolerance, affection. Eyes - heart.

AMAZONITE - Self-expression, insight, stabilises emotions, promotes growth, study, clarity, insight, success. Nerves.

AMBER - Helps career, relieves stress, accomplishments, uplifts. Depression - chest.

AMETHYST - Aids sleep, reduces electrical energies, creates calm and tranquility, inspires happiness, generates positive feelings, relieves stress. Addictions - acne.

AMETRINE - Resolution, teaching. Metabolism - mouth.

ANDALUSITE - Moderation, enlightenment. Memory - vision.

ANGELITE - Bravery, abundance, communication, overcoming challenges, balance. Infection - headache.

ANHYDRITE - Co-ordination, concentration. Lungs.

ANTIMOANY - Intellect, progress. Cold - flu.

APATITE - Calms, helps business, will help you speak up if need be. Bones.

APOPHYLLITE - Tranquillity, honesty. Respiration.

AQUA AURA - Dexterity, the arts. Throat - healing.

AQUAMARINE - Insight, love, growth, calms nerves, brings peace, promotes truth. Stills the mind.

ARAGONITE - To energise. Allergies - nerves.

ASTROPHYLLITE - Confidence, insight, the intellect. Reproductive organs.

AUGELITE - Contemplation, justice. Digestion - muscles.

AVENTURINE - Judgement, relieves tension, prosperity, clears the mind. Eyes - migraine.

AZURITE - Meditation, concentration, spirituality. Liver.

BARITE - Writing, decisions. Muscles.

BERYL - Determination, stability, calms, reduces stress. Very effective when used for love spells. Nerves - physical strength.

BLOODSTONE - Temperance, kindness, courage, wealth, confidence. Bloodstream - circulation.

BLUE JOHN - Renewal, strength. General health.

BLUE CORAL - Balance, protection from negativity. Worry.

BOWENITE - Intelligence. Head - scalp - tension.

BRAZILLIANITE - A social crystal, enhances relationships. Nerves - skin.

CALCITE - Comfort, inspiration, calm, balance. Bladder.

CARNELIAN - Passion, sensuality, sexual energy. Rheumatism - arthritis.

CASSITERITE - Endurance, contentment. Cuts - bruises.

CATS EYE - Inner vision, security. Headaches.

CELESTITE - Calm, relaxation, meditation, eases worries. Nerves - stress - travel sickness.

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