Chapter 3: Nameless

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  This NightWing was very big, so big that half of him didn't even fit on the dinky spire he sat on. All of him was jet-black, except for a blood red underbelly, silver scales lining his neck and tail, as well as in swirly patterns on the undersides of his folded and bound wings, and ice-cold blue eyes. He gave Cactus an odd stare, his expression otherwise blank.

"Ah! A NightWing!" She squeaked, "Back up! Don't go off reading my mind and the other creepy stuff NightWings do." Cactus brandished her venomous barb at the black dragon.

"Why would I have any need to?" The NightWing answered coolly, with a deep, smooth voice, "Right now, every emotion is displayed right there on your scales, plain as a RainWing." He chuckled softly, "And I promise not to harm you in any way."

Cactus scratched the stone and pulled herself to sit in front of him giving the NightWing an odd look, "Why not? Are you a pacifist or something?"

"Oh, you'd like to think so." The dragon scoffed, then chuckled, "Although I mind as well be in these chains."

Cactus changed the subject, not wanting to be targeted by a cold NightWing for his next murder spree.

"I couldn't help but notice, you're awfully big, for a NightWing..."

"What do you mean, 'for a NightWing'?" he asked, chuckling again, "Do you know what other NightWings are like?"

"Well... no. you're the first I've met actually..." She said, curling her tail around her talons, "But you are about as big, if not bigger, than a burly MudWing." She smiled.

"Why thank you, Little Sneak. You are a very skilled fighter, very quick. I saw that little stunt you pulled with the soldiers down there. Very impressive indeed." He said.

"Th-thanks," She said, "Really it's not as effective as what you saw. I just happen to fight better in the sand."

"That's good to hear." The NightWing gave her a very proud look. Cactus knew that look as the one her mother would sometimes gave her, being the only meaningful look her family had ever offered. It was the look her mother gave to Cactus when she found out she was recruited as one of Queen Blister's personal advisors, which was also the first time her mother had ever hugged Cactus. But now, her whole family thought she was dead, it was okay, they all hated her anyways. She was fine with this, at least that meant Cactus could be alone, and away from their cold, spiteful stares.

The only thing Cactus regretted about agreeing to Blister's offer was that she hadn't seen her partner, Grit, in years. He was the only one in Pyhrria who truly loved her for whom she was, a puny, wingless dragon, and now he fought for Blaze and her army. While Cactus's family had forced her into an alliance with Blister, and never see her mate again. She couldn't go a single night without gazing up at the moons and thinking of him. Rarely, the third moon, of the three, would appear in the sky. It was the smallest and rarely shone, but it shone the brightest when it did. Seeing that third moon always brought tears to her eyes, as it did now. Cactus looked at the simple heavenly body in the night. Grit always told her she was like that third moon, small and unseen, but she shone the brightest of all when she did. She knew in the depths of her heart, that her Grit was out there somewhere, and he missed her.

"Are you alright there, Little Sneak?" Cactus heard the NightWing ask. She must have spaced out and forgotten about him.

"Yeah?" she sighed.

"You miss the ones you had to leave behind, don't you?"

"I asked you to not read my mind..." Cactus mumbled.

"I'm not, little Sneak. You just wear your emotions on your face..." He curled his big tail over his talons as the wind grew stronger and colder. "I understand your pain somewhat. I never knew my mother, or my home, or why my tribe hates me with a fiery passion. All I have to remind me of my hazy past is my mother's symbol." Cactus looked up to see a bright white scar on his shoulder in the shape of a crescent moon. "Y'know, I don't believe I ever got your name."

Cactus looked up at the NightWing, "Cactus...My name is Cactus...."

"Cactus..." He let the word sink in, "What a beautiful name."

"What's your name?" Cactus asked"

"I, my dear, have no name, I lost it quite a long time ago. Most just call me Nameless." Nameless smiled.

A half hour of silence passed between the two, the other prisoners were mostly quiet as well. The guards came and gave Nameless a hog to eat, which he gave to an IceWing who was being starved to death on the spire next to him.

"Thank you." She said in a raspy voice, "May the moons of Phyyria smile upon you." The IceWing dug into the boar.

"You should rest." Nameless told Cactus, "You'll need strength for the escape plan I thought up of."

"Escape?" Cactus asked in an excitedly hushed whisper.

"Yes, you're just the dragon I need after being trapped here for three months. Come closer, and I'll fill you in, and by morning we'll be on our way out of here." And the two discussed Nameless's plans into the night.

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