Chapter 2

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Mrs. Hiddleston
Chapter 2

"May I please kiss you? On the lips?"

His face was terrifyingly close to yours. You parted your lips to say something, but nothing came out. You wanted to say 'no', but you didn't want to hurt him. His eyes were so sad. And so hopeful. You only just came out of the hospital, not remembering anything from past 5 years and yet here you were with your back against the car, trapped by a man, who claimed to be your husband. He moved his mouth closer to yours and cautiously brushed his soft lips over the corner of your mouth. You felt his hand on your lower back, pulling you slightly closer to him. He started kissing you slowly and gently, savouring your sweet taste. You didn't exactly enjoy the kiss, but you didn't want to push him away either. But when his grip on your lower back got stronger as his kisses became more passionate, you didn't even think what you are doing. You just pushed him away.

"I'm sorry," you said and looked down at your feet after seeing the hurt look on his face. He put a finger under your chin and made you look up at him.

"No, darling. Forgive me. I just missed you so much and I couldn't hold back. I'm sorry," Tom said looking deep in your eyes.
He opened the door for you and you got in after muttering a small "thank you".
When he sat in, you asked,

"Where are we going?"
"Home," he replied and looked at you, smiling.
The car drive was quiet. You were too busy admiring the beautiful city. And unbeknownst to you, Tom was admiring you from the corner of his eye.
When you parked in front of an apartement house, Tom got out and hurried to your door to open it for you before you could open it yourself. You got out and thanked him and he led you up to the fifth floor. You entered the apartement. It was beautiful! Everything was white and it was nicely decorated. The kitchen was light and open and connected to the living area.

"You have a nice apartement," you commented.
"We," Tom corrected, "this is our home." He was smiling at you.
"Our home," you repeated. Tom's toothy grin grew even wider, which made you smile too.

"After you, mrs. Hiddleston," Tom said as he gestured with his hand for you to move on. Your heart skipped a beat at the name, but you gave your best fake smile. Which unfortunately wasn't convincing enough.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" he asked, concerned.
"Nothing," you quickly replied, looking down. Tom walked to stand in front of you and placed his hands on your shoulders.
"Y/N, I'm your husband. I know you. You can tell me, what bothers you," he talked in a soothing voice. You hesitated for a moment, but then gave in.

"It's just that.........that I'm so nervous. I feel like it's too much at the moment, I-" you sighed deeply. Tom sighed as well.
"Come here, darling," he cooed and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly.
"Come, I want to show you something," he said, when he realesed you and took your hand, leading you through a little hallway and right into a cute little bedroom. It had a one huge window and the bed was nicely made. Perfect for lovemaking. You felt as if your heart stopped beating, when you saw this and your hands begun trembling.

"This is our bedroom," Tom said.
'Our bedroom,' you repeated in your mind, underlining the word 'our'.
He took your hands in his and held them up. They were shaking. He saw that you were nervous.

"Oh, darling," he chuckled and his hands went to caress your shoulders in a soothing manner, "You're so tense! Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch." You looked up at him.
"A-are you sure?"
"Yes, of course. Now come, let me show you other rooms too."
Tom led you through the apartement, showing you everything, talking and chatting and smiling all the time. The more you saw, the more you felt like you didn't belong there. It was so fancy. You had lived in a small house with your family in Florida. It was cute and humble, it looked nothing like this.
The day went quietly. Tom was understanding and he gave you some alone time to adjust with your "new" home. You were thankful for that. You went through the closet to see, what clothes you were wearing and looked in the drawers to see what kind of lingerie you were wearing. Your style seemed to have changed a lot.
In the evening Tom offered you a cup of tea, but you turned it down.
It was 10:40, when you decided to go to sleep. After getting into your nightgown you had found in one of the drawers, you climbed under the duvet in a large bed. Alone. Tom was still awake. You heard him walking around in the living room.

You were exhausted and as you fell asleep slowly, your mind wandered back to your childhood home. The small room you shared with your cat, dimly lit and soft carpet covering the floor.
Lying in your bed you stared at the ceiling, inhaling the scent of your room. Your cat meowing and rubbing its head against your palm, demanding to be petted.

Suddenly you were awoken by someone's hand touching your arm and you shot up. Tom was sitting on the edge of bed next to you, his eyes full of worry and he was caressing your bare arm. Only then you realized that your eyes and cheeks were tear-stained. You had cried in your sleep.

"You were crying in your sleep," he said.
"I had a dream. About home," you answered quietly, "my home." New tears started forming in your eyes and fell onto your cheeks. You sank into Tom's arms and he rubbed slow circles on your back, while you sobbed into his shoulder.

"Shhh, I'm here for you, darling," Tom soothingly said.
"I miss my old home," you sobbed.
"I know, love. I know."
"I'm sorry for not remembering you," you cried.
"Shhh, it's not your fault, darling."
Tom kept rubbing slow circles on your back to calm you until eventually you drifted off to sleep in his arms. He laid you back down on the bed, tucked you in, gave you a goodnight kiss on the forehead and then left.

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