Leon had proposed?

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"I know!" Charlotte said. "I can't believe that she would do that!" She said incredulously but Leon could tell she was enjoying every minute of this. "I know she's not dating anyone, maybe it was a one night stand?"

"No!" Julie gasped incredulously, not exactly in denial. "I mean, Sora of all people!" Leon walked closer, his face heating up, his shoulders tense, the nerve they had to gossip about Sora.

"I mean," the brunette butted in, "That has to be the only explanation, we all know that if she was dating someone she would have at least said something! Maybe we know the father!"

Leon was a few feet away now; he could feel his hair standing on end.

"Well, it can't be Leon," his chest grew cold and his heart dropped as he felt like he'd been hit in the stomach. "I mean he's been avoiding her like the plague since we all found out. He almost seemed mad, you know? I mean, if he was that close to her, wouldn't he be happy for her?"

"Maybe he was jealous." The brunette stated and they all burst out laughing, as if the notion that Leon Oswald, the "Grimm Reaper," had feelings was more preposterous than the Mad Hatter's tea party.

Leon could feel his hands cramp up from having them in fists for the duration of the conversation. He'd been leaning up against the wall. He cleared his throat.

The looks on their faces was completely priceless. They looked as though the "Grimm Reaper" had come to claim them next; they put horror movie actors to shame. Leon almost wanted to laugh, he found it sickly amusing, served them right for gossiping. They just stared at him like he was Medusa and had turned them to stone.

"Is there something you would like to say?" He said in mock friendliness, their faces visibly paled, as if it were possible, they knew he had heard them.

"Nope! Gotta run!" The brunette cried and like a ninja, she was gone, leaving Charlotte and Julie to suffer the wrath of the great Leon Oswald.

"We were just- we were-" they stammered, Leon just raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. They just stared at him again.

"I suggest that if you want information that you take it up with the appropriate party." Their terrified expressions changed to confusion.

"Ask the person before gossiping about them." He clarified before walking into his dressing room. He couldn't believe they were judging Sora so harshly, as if she had planned for that all along, or like she was some kind of whore! He froze just inside the door. Hadn't he done the same?

Sora hated waiting, she always felt like there could have been something better to do with her time, but she knew it was just because she couldn't sit still for more than five minutes without her head exploding, she'd admit it, she was a busybody, but her family was worth it. She was both excited and terrified to see them. She'd missed her family terribly, but how was she supposed to explain that she was 11 weeks pregnant and the father didn't even know the baby was his? Her stomach was already starting to grow a bit but not enough to make a huge impact on anybody, she just looked like she'd hit the dessert table a few too many times and her favorite restaurant.

Frankly, she was terrified of having to face them, she was scared of having disappointed them when they'd been so selfless as to take her in and raise her as their own. She could feel her heart pounding in anticipation; she was excited in a way. She never would have expected to feel the way she did when she found out she was pregnant, her whole view had changed since the day before when she'd finally heard the little one's heartbeat for the first time at the doctor's. The light fluttering sound she heard made her own heart flutter in her chest and for the first time, she felt a sort of unconditional love for the little life growing within her, and she wanted her family to share this with her, she couldn't wait to actually be able to see the small life within her. She looked up and saw the familiar faces of her family, her mom and dad, and her sisters Yume and two-year-old Ayumi whose eyes just lit up with recognition as she saw her older sister. Sora's worries were moved to the back burner as the overwhelming happiness of seeing her family filled her, she smiled brightly and waved.

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