Chapter two

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Ethan's POV

I watch the girl as she waits on her front door step. She goes on her phone and suddenly looks disappointed and hurt.

Then she's gone. She grabbed her skateboard and left.

"Mum" I yell. "I'm going out" I say grabbing my skateboard.

"Ok but don't go too far" mum says.

"I won't, bye!"

I follow the girl, she seems to be going to the park so I go there too.

Her hair is flowing in the wind. She seems perfect.

When she gets to the park she throws her skateboard and sits on one of the benches.

I hope she goes to the same school as me.

I slowly walk towards her, fixing my grey beanie.

Ally's POV

I'm so hurt I can't even talk to my friends.
I was just thinking about life when someone interrupts.

"Hey" an unfamiliar voice says. It's a guy.

I turn around to see the new guy that lives down the end of our street. He is hot, I mean I don't like him or anything because I have a boyfriend. But he has the most perfect hazel brown eyes that you could just fall into.

"Hey" I say back.

He sits next to me on the bench.

"You're that new guy right?" I ask even though I knew it.

"Um, yeah. I'm going to Hillsmede secondary." He says half smiling.

"Oh cool, that's where I go" I say smiling.
"What year level are you in?" I ask.

"Nine" he says. "You?"

"Same" I say smiling at him.

He smiles back. He's kinda cute when he smiles.

"Um I have to go but I'll see you at school tomorrow?" I say getting my skateboard.

"Yeah see you tomorrow" he smiles.

I start skating down my street.

"WAIT" he yells.

I stop skating and turn around.



"ETHAN KARPATHY" He yells back.

I smile and keep riding.


hey everyone! I decided to upload another chapter because I'm really enjoying writing this book and I want other people to enjoy it too.

sorry it's a short chapter again, I promise I will upload longer chapters soon! let me know if you're enjoying it so far by commenting.

thanks heaps xoxo


Fallen - Ethan KarpathyWhere stories live. Discover now