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Okay so this is the chosen story and it's the sequel to Loving the lie! 


"what are we doing Justin?" I questioned nervously.  

"what do you mean?" he smiled nervously still keeping his eyes on the road.  

"where are we going, when will we stop?" I asked knowing it wasn't what he wanted to hear.  

"we're getting away, from everything; fame, friends, family, expectations and opinions." he said trying to convince the both of us.  

"it's been 3 weeks Justin." I said biting my nails. I just wanted to stop digging deeper, since Justin drove me away from my House I haven't been back. He withdrew a ridiculous amount of money knowing that when we didn't respond to calls and were obviously running away our parents and his manager would close our bank accounts, limiting us on our hide away; but I was surprised at how much he got out, leaving only $100 in he had enough to fill 3 suite-cases, which he bought, with 50's. We've been in and out of hotels and motels under false names and I'm starting to feel Justin slip into a routine, he's enjoying it, like a game. But this isn't what I want my future to be, not with anyone.

"I wanna go home." I said biting my lip. 

"I'm doing all of this for you Cass." he said bitterly.  

"take me home Justin, I can't do this anymore!" I said as tears filled my eyes.  

"fine." he said as he violently swerved the car and drove over a grass roundabout back the way we came.  

"it'll take a day or two, but I'm tired can we please stop for the night baby?" he said sweetly.  

"sure." I sighed as we drove until we found a posh looking hotel.  

"since it's the last night, let's get a big suite and treat ourselves." Justin suggested trying to raise my spirit.  

"sure" I mumbled. 

Justin put on his glasses and hat. 

"you too?" he said smiling. I groaned and put on my ray-bans.  

We got out the car, Justin insisting to carry both our bags, and walked in.  

"the best room you've got, just for tonight." Justin said smiling.  

"I doubt you'll have enough money to rent out our top suite, how about a simple double room?" the woman laughed patronisingly and of course Justin responded by pulling out 10 $100 bills.  

"I've got more if it's more." he smirked. The first time This had occurred I'd laughed, even the 3rd 4th and 5th a giggled but now it's the 15th at least and it's just not entertaining to see how horrible people are before they see money.

"right this way." the woman grinned and got up quickly and led us to a bell boy who took our bags from Justin and smiled when the stuck up receptionist told them "top".  

"you go up, I'll pay." Justin smiled, but I would have anyway, I need to sleep.  

I followed the bell boy to the lift and waited the awkward journey up to the top floor. The doors opened and the room was beautiful, but I didn't care as long as it had a comfy bed. 

"my boyfriend will have tipped you at the desk." I groaned wanting to get rid of the boy as fast as possible. 

"thanks." he mumbled as he put the key on the side table and got back into the lift.  

I kicked off my shoes, then pulled off my sweatpants, which had been making me far too hot for hours now, then I pulled off my superdry top and just threw it on the floor. I climbed into bed in just my underwear as I breathed in the fresh sheets.  

"hey baby." justin said smoothly.  

"mfjsorjdpamxndlak." I muffled through the pillow. 

"what?" he laughed as he took off his top.  

"I am sooooo tired." I said rolling over to look up at him now in his boxers sat on the bed.  

"you know, I was feeling a little differently." he laughed. "but it definitely involves the bed and you baby." he said smoothly as he climbed on top of me.  

"Justin..." I tried to protest but he threw his lips onto mine and began kissing me. He inserted his tongue and then laid down next to me without breaking the kiss. He lent over me slightly and lowered his hand slowly down from my face to my chest, to my waist then my hips and then he slipped his hand along my Nicker line. I felt his smile widen in the kiss as he knew he was going too far. But I didn't protest, part of me wanted him to for so long and now it seemed like the right time.  

He slipped his hand in and held it still while he pulled back from the kiss.  

"why haven't you slapped me away yet?" he grinned.  

"I'm ready." I smiled and he didn't wait a second, before I could breath twice my pants were off and so were his.  

"promise me something." he said as he positioned himself.  

"anything." I smiled. 

"you won't ever regret me." he said nervously.  

"how could I regret you when I know I'll never forget you?" I smiled and then he started.

"morning baby, how you feeling?" said Justin over my shoulder as I lay on my side scared to look at Justin. 

"how could we?" I asked tearing up. 

"what?" he said bolting up.  

"how could we forget justin?" I cried out sitting up and looking anywhere but Justin's eyes.  

"forget what baby?" he questioned holding my waist.  

"protection." I quivered but Justin looked down guiltily.  

"you'll have to take me to get the pill." I said nervously. Justin's eyes shot open and he looked angry.  

"baby you'll be fine, even if you are we can deal with it, me and you and a mini me." he smiled as he pulled me forward.  

"don't be so stupid justin we couldn't deal with that!" I snapped.  

"shh shh, yes we could." he said pulling me in and kissing me.  

"justin!" I said trying to pull back, but he only held tighter and used his free hand to slip into my nickers.  

"ah, Justin stop." I moaned.  

He looked down at me and smiled.  

"baby you know you like it." he said pushing me back.

Hating The Truth (Justin Bieber story) [loving the lie sequel]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz