Rule Number #1

Never let anyone as crazy as Avery pick out your clothes.

This monstrosity Avery called an outfit consisted of anything 80. Every single 80's outfit combined. It's so 80, 80's didn't even think of it. I can't even describe it.

I turned towards Sarah who was laughing so hard it's contagious. Sapphire soon joined and as mad as I was, I soon joined in. Avery kept trying to defend her masterpiece.

"Nobody ever thought of it, you'll be the main attraction." She said but I was laughing so hard I was crying. I looked ridiculous. It was really my fault though.

To sum it up I had on an rainbow colored Afro. That's all you need to know.

"Well at least you could join the Afro circus I heard they're hiring." Sarah said while in fits of laughter.

"Hey guys, don't be so hard on Avery, Storm will definitely steal the show." Sapphire said trying not to giggle.

I finally stopped laughing, ready to get this over with. "At least it will be dark."

We are going to a new club called Lithosphere. The fact that it's named after Earths crust and outer mantle is weird but I guess it's a cool name.

I was drunk. I don't know how but one moment I could state the abc's the next I can't even walk in a straight line. I headed over to where the person I can here with. I forgot her name though. I think it's a her, everything is kinda orange. And blurry.

She (still questionable) was nearly as drunk as me. Next to her were the other people I came with.

"Let's jump this place." I yelled (I think I yelled or I may have whispered) over the party rock music. I had some how lost the Afro and now have an sombrero on my head. I knew I looked tacky. Rachel (I finally remembered their names) had on a astronaut helmet.

We were all high as a hat. Hey that could be a song. "I'm kronk drunk as high as a hat sippin on that drink cause baby I'm back." I belted as we left the building. Even in my drunk state something was telling me not to drive so I steered away from the parking lot.

After awhile we ended up lost somewhere on Sesame Street. Wait no, 42 Wallaby Way.

"Dora!" I exclaimed suddenly excited. I ran across the barren road straight towards Dora. "Where's your map? I'm lost." Dora jerked away from me and I started to chase her down the block. I lost Dora. She had outrun me. I eventually headed back to my friends who were staring at the gumball machine as if it was going to talk. This isn't the amazing work of gumball.

Or is it, everything's been hazy since I took that's that weird cardboard like thing from Rachel. Or was that Rachel she seemed kinda masculine.

I turned around and in big letters the sign read ZOO. Yay I haven't been to the Zoo in *starts ticking off fingers* 1..2..3..5 years. Ashley is the first to run towards the zoo. With me, Rachel, and Katherine following close behind. I wanna go see Gloria.

I climbed over the tall black gates which put a rip in my whatever the hell these are. Oh well. I finger motioned the rest to follow. After we all climbed over the gates we ducked behind the purple trash can. Seriously who decorated the place. I bet it was Katherine.

The night guard had yet to see us and I felt like 007. We saw a door that said Employees Only. And promptly ignored it.

It wasn't locked so it was easy to get in. Inside was an employee break room complete with a kitchen, a sofa, and a vending machine. I hurriedly walked to the vending machine. I need Welches.

Katherine passed out on the couch. And so did Rachel. I tossed the packed of Welches towards Ashley and told her to toss them at me. I grabbed the biggest plastic knife I saw and attempted to be the fruit ninja.

Safe to say I scored none. During that time Katherine had awoken and was now cheering me on. In the middle of the last throw. A flashlight turned on and blinded me in left eye. In a flash my friends were all handcuffed and I was in the process.

"Before I get arrested can I see Gloria? I want to wish her and Marty the best. Everyone says hippos and giraffes-"

Officer 'whatever his name' cut me off while reading my rights. He handcuffed me and I sobered up quickly when the cold silver pinched my wrist.

Which led us to where we are now.

I was forcefully pushed into the back of the van (how fortunate it could seat 6) and while I was in there I knocked out cold. Whatever I took was like coffee left me high and dry. Only let me feel high for a few hours before it left me dry. Like a hit and run or a one night stand that ends up with a pregnancy.

I finally fell into darkness when Officer Pete asked Paddy the cop if he thinks we are on drugs.


Could have elaborated more but honestly I don't feel like updating. But I said I would so I am.

Update goal

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It says 'and' because i can. Really no other explanation other then this is my way of getting revenge. Have my faithful followers get angry at the reason I'm making the update goal harder to reach. Is the best form of revenge. And I do have a winner for the embarrassing story challenge it's a tie between


But newsflash I planned on using this in the story (was going to be a nice surprise) but since I can only use one I gonna say Veronica's because although V_GGod86 is cute I wouldnt put that into a werewolf story but you will definitely see it in one of my non werewolf books.

I was conflicted because I wanted to dedicate the chapter to some one else because they are awesome but I will dedicate the next chapter to them but so I don't forget he dedication order is

(I just went back to the comments but I for the life of me could not find the comments that made me so mad [im over it now though] so I can't find the commenter that made my day SO SORRY WHOEVER YOU ARE)

The 2 people who pm me I know who you guys are the following chapters will be dedicated to you 2

I can't dedicate regularly since I'm on my phone but this chapter is dedicated to @VeronicaVolovi

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