Kristy's friends/band

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Band name:
The Phoenix Fire

The name of the band refers to Kristy as the lead vocalist, and her friends as the musical backup to her voice as well as the lyrics she sings, which works hand in hand together. You can't have the lyrics without the melody, or the melody without the lyrics.

Lead Vocalist: Kristen "Kristy" Phoenix aka "The Phoenix"- If you read the first chapter, then you may already know abit about the main character. Kristy is a good friend that the rest of The Phoenix Fire can depend on. And dispite how her brothers and sisters get on her nerves at times, she still loves them as well.

Guitar: Brandon "Slick" August- Brandon, or Slick, as everyone calls him, has a bad boy type image going. However, that's not the only reason for his nickname, he's also a quick thinker, making him very good at getting himself and friends out of a jam. Though, he can never keep his grades out of the gutter for nothing.

Base guitar: May "Pink" Evergreen- May, or Pink, as her friends call her, comes from a wrong side of the tracks family, which may explain her attitude being similar to the music artist P!nk. She has a pixi style hair cut, black hair with pink and purple streaks. Physically, May is similar to the girl that plays the younger cat woman on Gotham. May has a tough girl facade, but deep down she cares about her friends very much.

Drums: Ryan "Spaz" Black- If you've ever watch Saved By The Bell, Ryan is simular to Screech, minus the high pitch voice, and with a formal-casual clothes style. However, Spaz does have his moments and can play the drums like a pro.

Keyboard : Marcus "Mark" Brian- Mark is a cross between Zack and Slater from Saved By The Bell. He is smart, popular, athletic, and because of his looks, there's never a shortage of dates for him to take to the dance/prom. However, Mark doesn't seem interested in girls the same way they are in him. He is also more willing to put his friends and the band ahead of some popularity contest, making him even more attractive to the cheerleading and dance team.

Kristy, Brandon, May, Ryan, and Marcus have been best friends since early grade school. The 5 friends have different variety of tastes in music, which together they are able to make their own unique sound for the band.

Sorry I've been gone for so long. A lot has happened since I posted the first chapter(lost internet, moved, lost track of time, etc...), but I'm back, and I'll do my best to keep this story updated.

Btw, my younger sis helped with the profile of the characters.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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