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As I step onto the tour bus, I am overwhelmed by the scent of different colognes. I smell ivory soap, a gentle musk, and something that smells like Macy's. I immediately get a headache, and begin a coughing fit.

"So, this bus is really, ehcch, big, ehchhh-" The coughing only worsens. "I, echhh, mean it's like, echhh, enorm-echhhchh-ous. I mean it's enormous," I say finally getting out a sentence, as the tickle in my throat goes away.

"Yes, dear it is. So this is the kitchen, and this bench by the table  has a lid, that if you pull  out, there's  storage inside.  Here is the lounge area, and one of these two couches pulls out into a bed. And then down here are all the bunks, which are basically cubbies in the wall that have built in mattresses, so we can save space." Sharon says, as she walks my mother and I through the rectangular interior of the bus.

"Which bunk is Ailey's?" My mother asks excitedly. 

"Actually, Ailey will sleep on one of the two couches in the lounge area."  Sharon tells my mom.

"You've got to be kidding me," I say under my breath.

"Oh yeah, and the bathroom is past all of the bunks, and to the right," Sharon tells us, and then  shoves both my mother and I off of the bus, as she phones the guys, who are at Starbucks. 

"They'll be right over, so be ready. The next Chipotle is twenty minutes away, so we'll be going to the Subway across the street," Sharon informs us.

(Okay, quick background story....The tour buses are parked in the parking lot of a Super 8  type of motel in Australia, as we are going to be staying in the area, while we practice our songs, and music for  two or three weeks, and then we begin the Australia leg of Legacy. We will all be staying in the buses, so we just needed a place to park)

"Er, Subway? Are you sure you don't just like, want to eat our food at like a um, you know, other place?" I ask, scared.

See, when I was like ten my grandma took me shopping and out to lunch for my birthday. After shopping, we went out to Subway. I got a Root beer, and a steak and cheese sub. And then, I got food poisoning for an entire night. Now I won't even be within a foot of someone with a Subway sandwich.

"Ailey, shut up," My mother scolds me under her breath.

"May I ask why, dear?" Sharon wonders.

And so I tell Sharon the story.

"That's it, Ailey! You are getting over your fear of Subway, and you are gonna have an absolute blast at Subway, and you will thank me for making you come!" Sharon says, passionately.

"I don't think-" I begin, but my mom cuts me off.

"That's great!"

I sigh. The fear is like no other.  This is me....The girl who is freaking terrified because she's going to have to eat a sandwich.

Omg...the subway thing happened to me in real life when I was turning 11 or so...Lol. So, I'll post part two of the whole subway story tomorrow, because I'm tired today! :) Thanks for reading!

Celtic Thunder and the Background GirlWhere stories live. Discover now