Chapter 1

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Hello all who are reading this book for one thank you for even taking the time to look at this book that could be terrible considering the many mistakes I have made so please bare with me. :) Hope you enjoy


"Erisa..wake up..erisa WAKE UP!" I jolt awake eyes opened wide sweat pouring from my head. I look around trying to figure out where I am.

"Diego! Come here boy", trotting towards me his medium length blackish brown fur tossing behind him. He sits right next to me his back straight wagging his tail.

"Good boy, where did you go buddy?", he whimpers turning his head and licking me right in the face, I giggle and ruffle his fur hugging him to me.

I stand up suddenly realizing the many people walking around me not so much walking but shuffling, making groaning noises.

I walk up to a man with dark brown hair his vest torn and half hanging off his body."Excuse me sir are you alri-", the man turns around quick sniffing me and growling like an animal.

His eyes are white as if they rolled back into his head and stayed there his face half torn off, flesh dangling from his cheek. I scream in fright moving backwards and tripping, falling onto my butt.

Diego runs up to me standing in front of me protectively growling lowly. The man stares at me continuing to sniff the air then turns and walks away like nothing happened.

Breathing hard I get up staring at all the other people around me confused and scared. "What..happened?"

Hey all okay yes this is a short chapter but I was kind of just going along with the flow also probably a sucky chapter so sorry :( but if you did enjoy it like,comment and subscribe!

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