Haru's Part 2

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You were crying in your small apartment, you barely had enough food, and your pay has been cut. The only reason you had a place was because your friend was friends with the owner of the apartment. And she/he would help you as much as they can, but they had their own family too. But anyways...

After your breakup with Haru he left Iwatobi and started a new life. He got married again and was about to have a kid, well actually you heard that's what was happening. His life was pretty amazing to you. You of course met someone new too, but he was terrible. Abusive, and alcoholic and he was just horrible. You finally broke it off with him and he kicked you out of your home. Your friend helped you out, and got you a place to live.

---------------------------Haru's P.O.V----------------------------

After a while from my blowout with ____ I got remarried and well I thought we had a baby on the way, but we didn't. She went to the doctor's and they said the pregnacy test was wrong, she wasn't Pregnant. I still loved her though, but after a while we just grew apart. Then one day I came home to her cheating. In bed with another guy. I left her right away, packed my stuff and was out. I stayed with a few people and got my own place. Then, I decided to go and look for a place in Iwatobi. Going back brought back so many memories. Memories with Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, Rin, and most importantly ______. I missed her. I really did. But her life was perfect with her new partner.

-----------------your P.O.V-----------------

One day while walking down the street I saw a guy with black hair staring at the sky. Boy, he sure looked like Haru. And with that tears welled up in your eyes. You hurried away from him and went to work.

------------Haru's Pov----------------

I was looking at the sky and and I heard a quick shuffle behind me. It was a lady about my age, and had that same (long/short) hair, and it was (straight/wavy) like her's too. It also had the same color(s). I decided to follow her. After all it wouldn't hurt to say hi to an old *gulp* friend right? Well I didn't think it would hurt that bad...

-----------your Pov-------------

You made it into work in time and you didn't know luck was by your side that day. And at that moment every other day. First, your pay was raised again, this time even more than before your pay was cut. Second, well you'll see later...

~~~~ timeskip after working~~~~

You walked home giddy and overflowing with happiness. You saw that the guy was wondering around where you worked. You didn't know who he was, well you didn't remember.

"Hey, I saw you this morning~ Haru?!" You were shocked, and sad, and happy at the same time.

---------Haru Pov-----------

She remembers. I was so happy.

"Yeah, _____? How are you?" God, she was so pretty, and I immediately regret asking about how she was because I really don't want to hear about her new partner.

"Oh, umm, fine I got a higher pay today. How is your new wife? How about the baby?" She asked.

"There is no baby. It was wrong, I know. I told Makoto. I didn't get to see him yet, and my wife and I just got a divorce. She cheated," I felt my heart breaking in more pieces. Both women that I loved are all taken, and me left out. Really, it was ___ that I was upset about.

"Oh, that's sad," she said. Her face full,of true sympathy. That's what I love about her. Her feeling were real.

She then proceeded to tell me her partner and her are no longer together.

------ you P.O.V------

Why did I tell him that? I don't need him to feel sorry for me. But his life was so amazing I guess.

I invited him over to my small apartment. He agreed. He said he didn't want to disturb Makoto and his new family.

--------------Haru Pov----------

She invited me over. I said yes. Of course I did! I knew Makoto and his wife (sorry Makoto lovers😕) wouldn't mind. They were kind that way. They were so selfless, wouldn't mind helping a friend out, but I wanted to see _____. Spend time with her. And be like we were almost 4 years ago. I don't want to be away from her. I needed her. I LOVE her.

~~~~timeskip later that night ~~~~~~ (the rest will be in third person)

Both _____ and Haru walked silently to her house. It was obvious they both still loved each other, but admitting it to each other was hard.

"Here we are!" ____ said, and broke the silence. She opened the door, and welcomed Haru inside. He took a seat on the couch, and ____ went to see what food she had. She turned and her face went red.

"Whoops, I don't think I have anything here... Wanna go out tonight?" She asked rubbing her back.

Haru nodded. They walked again in silence. They stopped dead in their tracks in front of (favorite restaurant) where Haru took ___ on their first date. They stared and Haru nodded indicating it was ok to go in. They walked in and got a table.

"Aww, what a beautiful couple," a waiter said.

It hit ___ and Haru like a gunshot. They blushed and winced a little. They set quietly and exchanged only few sayings of 'yeah life's been ok' and 'yea', 'uh-huh'.

'She looked so CUTE' Haru thought. By the end of dinner he just couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey, you know how that waiter said we looked like a good couple?" He asked.

____ said, "uhh, yeah, why?"

"Because I want it to be real again, I want to date you again. Please?" He asked.

______ was shocked. She could only blush and nod.

Haru felt like the happiest man on earth. They walked together hand-in-hand all the way back. And guess what? A few years later they did get married.

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