chapter 1The Boring Talk

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Zoie's P.O.V

  (One Halloween night). "Don't go out to late guys" My mom said. "Zoie did you hear me,don't go out to late and don't go out to far too?!." She said again. "Ya,ya,ya,mom I'll be home soon k!" I said. "My mom is always bossing me around just like other annoying moms do and my mom is one of those moms." I said acking like I knew every thing." Don't worry my mom dose the same exact thing." Lily said."All moms are like that."said Jason. "Their just worried about us if eny thing happened to us their lives would be ruined!" said the nerdy one Phineas.

"I love my mom" my boyfriend Cameron said....

"The Haunted Forest"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ