Bursts of light shone everywhere as everyone was using their own magic or attacking in their own way. The little girl and I made a great team as we disintegrated or transformed the demons. The moon started to become grayer as the wave was diminishing more and more.

The night continued on until all that was left was just one last demon. The wave was gone with ashes littering the ground. Blood was splattered everywhere. The winning side was surrounding the last demon in a large circle.

"Don't kill it." I order as I make my way to the last hissing demon. I turn into my dragon, my scales white. The demon starts to tremble. It speaks in Demontica, "H-h-how are y-y-you alive?!"

"I never died..." I replied. The little girl slides off my back and clutches onto my muscular dragon leg. She clutches my scales, "That's daddy's friend. He knows stuff..."

The demon looks at her and hisses, lunging forward. I roar, snapping open my wings to cover the girl. The demon freezes, its eyes raking across my lightning scar design. "It's you... The Keeper of the Key... The Destroyer... The Moon... It's you..."

Simon and Alex snarl by my side as the demon takes a step closer. I look towards Lance. "Lance."

"Yes, your majesty?" He says, not taking his eyes off the demon. I don't think any of the remaining villagers were taking their eyes off of this last demon.

"Take this demon and put him into my 'cave'. It's got a spell not to let demons in.... or out..." I command. "Amanda, use your magic to transport it. Release it once it is in the room. Mindy, clear out the room. Add some plants and make it more comfortable for the demon."

Shouts of outrage sound around me as the villagers show their hate towards this creature. "Enough." I silence them with a sweeping motion of my wing and without changing my tone.

"Kill the beast! Kill the child too!" Shouts someone from the back.

My head snaps towards their direction as my eyes zone out the person. It was a teen boy. "Step forward."

"Why would I listen to you?" The boy shouts back. I nudge the demon-human child back onto my back and take a step forward, still not losing my cool. "Come forward."

The villagers parted like flies as I took another step forward. The boy held his head high. I tilt my large dragon head, my scales turning back. The first rays of sunlight began to make them shine.

"You listened when we were fighting." I responded coolly, taking in the around nineteen-year-old boy.

"I listened to Sir Lance! Not you! You have no right to lead us! I am older than you! I have a right to kill the demon for trying to hurt me and my family! I have the right to kill its relations, meaning... that child!" He points to the girl sitting on my back. She whimpers, hiding her head into my neck.

The villagers chortle in agreement.

I turn human. The child in my hands. "Who do you think Sir Lance listens to? I never asked for your opinion whether to follow me or not. However, who was the first person to start protecting you? Who was the first person to start fighting? It was someone younger than you, meaning... me. I cannot take the credit for this war, we did this together. But you followed me into the battle. I protected you while you hid behind the crowd and the castle. You followed my family as they burst through the window to help me. And you dare talk about family? Killing something because of its relations to something else is not right! Yes, it will give you pleasure at that moment of time... then what! My mother, your precious queen, had a father who was the original Demon king. Are you going to kill her because she is half of him?"

"W-w-well... Then you would be part Demon King!" The boy shouts.

I flick my hand and instantly Lance, Amanda, and Mindy start to do their jobs. "Simon and Alex, get these people back into their levels. I'm sure they are very hungry. A feast will be held at the dining hall at 6pm... You may tell them." I tell the twins knowing clearly that the villagers could hear me.

My eyes slide to the boy, "You avoided my question. Are you going to kill my mother once I get her back because of her relation to the king?"

"The queen is dead!" The boy cries.

I shake my head, "No. Queen Kate is alive and well. She is being held in the Morris territory and it is my job to return her to you. However, you arguing with me is not helping me come up with a plan. Now let me ask again, will you kill her once she comes home because she is 'part demon'?" I ask, my voice still strong, clear, and neutral.

The boy bows his head, "No... Princess Catelyn. You are right, I am wrong... What is my punishment?"

I sigh, "The demon is our prisoner, giving it a death now will be its freedom. Now, you fought bravely, and you held your opinion strongly. There is no need for punishment. We are not a kingdom where thoughts are closed off if they are against a royal. You are not wrong and I am not right. You did well, and your opinion may be correct. However, this little girl is staying alive and with me. I am taking her. Now please, get some rest. You did amazingly just like everyone else. Go shower, sleep, and eat. Today was tough. It doesn't matter what age you are, we all fought strongly and deserve a rest." I walk to the boy.

I put my hand on the young man's shoulder, "Go... Don't do anything stupid."

He smiles, "You put too much trust on me your highness."

I grin, "That's better. Let's not start a war between you and me... okay?"

The boy smirks, "Deal... What are you going to name her?"

"Who?" I ask. The boy looks at the girl curled up in my arms, hiding her face, "The demon child."

I brush a strand of the girl's blonde hair away from her face, "You have pretty good thoughts, what do you suggest?"

The boy looks down at the girl and she looks at him, her purple eyes glossy.

"Violet," he decides.

Mythical Warजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें