(Second part that was pleaded for)

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Dirks POV
He was gone.
I know.
And I would have let him go but..
I just loved him too much..
I mean..
I don't want to just abandon him for no reason at all.
Some people say 'If you love someone, let them go, if they don't come back, they were never yours to start with.'
I just need to wait.
Maybe he'll come back.
I doubt it though.
Most things that other people say are just bullshit.
So why is this one thing not..?
Dave came back to me through spirit. I know he did.
Forever, he was mine.
And forever lasts a long time.
Dave was a flower. He hadn't yet bloomed.
He was suffering. And then.. His suffering had stopped.
When his heart monitor stopped beeping.. He was in bloom.
At peace.
In love.
I'm still suffering.. But he tells me to live on until the very end.
All I need is his guidance, comfort, and love.
He completes me like a missing puzzle piece, like a puppet with no strings.
I can keep living off what he gives me.
What he gives me through spirit, soul, and heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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