Chapter 3

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Hello sweetcheeks.
So , I know I haven't updated like forever and you might have gotten the impression that I am a slow updater, which I'm surley not. The first 2 chapters were throwback , this is present time.
What do you think is going to happen between Bronte and Dean?

"Who's gonna catch me when I.. ? "


'Happy New Year too you too Bront' mumbling to myself. Yes myself.

'Miss? Miss? Uhm , we are closing in a bit. It's New Years, my family is waiting for me .' the waiter guy says slowly.

'Uh sure, juuust let me finish this.' I say while drinking the rest of the shots of vodka lined up in front of me . I give the money to the waiter and make my way out of that place .

'Thank you ma'am,Happy New Year! ' he says to me with smiling eyes and ..teeth.
'Yeah, whatever....' what's wrong with all these people being happy and all.

I went out of the bar greeted by the fresh air of the place I left behind 3 years ago. I stumbled over something, ugh why do stuff come in front of my way when I'm walking. Being tipsy on the New Year's is not a good strategy. Good Job Bront!

It felt weird to come back. I didn't want to, trust me . After everything that happened , the last thing I'd ever wish was to move in this place again.

But here I am, and home looks the same. Every street, every coffe shop, even the sky looks exactly the same. Memories keep flooding on my mind and I can't blame anyone about it.
And I'm terrified of what might happen when ...

My thoughts were stopped by a melody that hit my ears and that music came out exactly from the bar in front of me . It was a club I used to go. I couldn't go in there right now, people would recognise me and talk to me, ask me , but I really need to dance...' Oh screw this' was all I said before i made my way into the club .

Entering the club, I noticed it was higly crowded with people dancing up and down to the beat. 'Good, I won't be noticed ' I sighed in relief. I got a little nervous when I saw the group I used to hang out with . What If he is with them...
This wasn't a good idea. I have to head out...that moment my song played. 'Just this dance ' I thought .

So I started rolling my hips to the beat. Ah i loved the feeling when you dance. It's like you are flying so so far away and not even the universe can stop you.
Feeling a pair of eyes on me , i opened them to see the table of my old friends watching me with their mouth bursted up open and their eyes jumping out, except the one in the middle.
It was him.

My heart stopped beating. I felt numb. My mouth went dry and my ears blanked out from the music. Here he was. Handsome as ever, deep blue eyes but they had no sparkle in them, his jaw tightened and shoulders stiffened...
He didn't move, nor talk. His eyes held no emotions, nothing.
That moment a girl moves over and straddles his waist, wrapping her arms over his neck and leaning in to kiss Dean.
And he let her. He was staring deeply into my eyes and he was kissing that girl gripping her thighs strongly. It made my neart ache. I knew that was going to happen. I should have never come back here.

I went out and started running like a freak. Tears were streaming down my face. I shouldn't be hurt by this. I have no right. Nono!
This is way more hard than I thought it would be .
It is my fault. I hurt him. I freking left him.

3 years ago

'No mom please don't cry, it will be okay , pleasee' choking on my words while trying to calm my mom down.

'My babygirl ' she hugged me so hard as if she was scared to let me go. 'Sweetheart, you know we will have to move to Chicago in a week. Your dad just started his job and he's waiting for us . Take your time. ' she said while kissing the top of my head and leaving the room.

What should I do? I can't tell him the truth. It would break him and he would never accept to let me go. I'd have to find another way. I called him.

'Hello love. How are you?
'I am fine. I needto talk to you. '
'Me too. I have missed you like crazy. Look there's this small party tonight . Meet me at Josh's at 7pm.'
'But..alright. Bye' i sighed while closing the call.
' I love you 'he says over the phone and closing it. I could imagine that goofy smile of his while telling me he loves me.
He never forgets to say it. Everyday , every moment. It's our thing.

And I love him more than my life. He is the one who taught me to trust someone with my life, to communicate, to argue with love. He taught me that no matter how harsh life becomes, we would still overcome it, every storm . I would link my hand with his and stare into those eyes that had given me hope. Hope that love truly exists and that miracles can happen.
He was my miracle.

And now i had to break his heart into a million pieces. 'It is the best choice ' I thought . It had to.


I arrived to the house amd saw Dean, chatting and laughing with his teammates. I loved to see him laugh. I would wipe that laugh off in just a few words today.

'Ohh , here you are. I came up to him , wrapping my arms around his neck, hiding my head on his neck , smelling him and hugging Dean so tighlty for ..the last time.

'Hmm, seems that somebody nas missed me huh? ' a smirk came over his features.
'Oh shut up, will you ' chuckling a little. What was I doing. This wasn't supposed to be normal. I should just tell him .
'Dean, look we gotta talk'
'Yeah, let's go to the balcony ' he suggested grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the balcony.
Wounded, i prepared myslef of what was about to come. Was I ready? No. Was I ever going to be ? Never.
'Dean I.. -' he stopped me saying
'Look, before you say anything , there's this ball and I would be honoured If you would be my partner?

'Dean I am moving' I yelled stopping him.
'What do you mean?' He sounded so confused and almost with teary eyes.
' It means I am leaving this place. And I-I-I don't believe in relationships in distance so we should break up.'
Silence. None of us moved or talked.
'Bronte but what happened. I believe i have earned the right to get an explanation of what has happened. And dont you dare say you're leaving me , you can't '' he started yelling.
'Stuff happened. Dad had to move, so we are going with him . And yes I can break up with you.' was all I said before running away.

I was in the middle of the room when a hand gripped my arms tigtly.
'Come here ' Dean said with a hurt voice.
'You can't leave me baby'
'I'm sorry. I have too' i said avoiding his eyes.
'Why are you doing this? Why aren't you fighting for us Bronte? ' Dean yelled , chocking on his words.

He was never going to let this go. I had to do something. I had to leave. I turned around and started deeply into his eyes knowing that this would be the end of us. I have to do this. For his own good. He can't know the truth..

I don't love you anymore Dean.'


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Love you lots.
Ale xx

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