Kiss Me Again

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~Sierra's P.O.V.~

I heard Krissy get out of her bunk below as I was sitting in mine, I was silently working trying my best not to seem like I was still awake. After my little break last night with Shayley I grabbed my laptop and headed right back into my bunk to work some more; that little kiss I stole from Shay gave me a great idea I have been working on all night. I had about three monster hidden away in my bunk too so I was on edge it was insane, but work comes first for me.

"Is she still working?" I heard Krissy growl outside my bunk, I panicked a little as I knew she would probably have my head if she found me working. She has been trying to get me to calm down on the working for a while now, but I just have to finish this book.

"Nah, she went to sleep last night after we watched a movie" I heard Shayley's voice, God bless him right now he seriously saved my ass without even knowing it. I'm going to have to give him another kiss later; he seemed to really enjoy it last time with how he reacted it was a little funny. I only kissed him so I could get him to stop tickling me, and so I can get back to work but I have to admit I did enjoy it a little bit nothing to serious. I have a book to worry about so I can't get caught up in anything at all it would just take up too much of my thinking space in my mind.

"Yeah, I'm not that stupid" Krissy said as she pulled back the curtains too fast, I didn't have enough time to even pretend to not be working. The look on Shayley's face gave me a weird heart dropping feeling, the look on Krissy's thou filled me with fear. She's going to take my baby away from me I just know she is; I closed my laptop up and held it close to my chest as she stared at me with pure anger in her eyes.

"Have you been up all night working? Oh god, look at all the monster cans! You have haven't you? I swear to God Sierra! You promised you wouldn't work the first week of tour!" She yelled at me, putting her hands on her hips. She never usually yells at me, but when she did it was really scary and I try my best not to ever yell back; but then again I am tired and grouchy.

"I never promised a thing!" I yelled back at her, she rolled her eyes out before getting her phone out as well. I groaned I totally forgot about the part where she keeps all our text messages, I really hated that sometimes it was so unlucky.

"No don't just take it" I growled as I handed her my laptop, she stood there for a second before looking at me with an eyebrow cocked up.

"No, fuck you the tablet and my phone stays with me" I hissed at her as I tried to close the curtain on her but she kept her hand on the pole before I could do anything. I grumbled a few curse words under my breath before handing over the rest of my internet wielding machines; thank god she didn't take my notebook. I don't even think she knew I had my notebook; it was always my back up when she took everything away from me. She usually did this when she wanted me to go out with her for a night, but nope now she's probably going to do this to me until I find a way to get them back after of course she hides them around the bus somewhere.

"Now you are going to have a good ass fucking vacation weather you like it or not!" She screamed before closing my curtain, I groaned in aggravation before falling back into my bunk. There was no use in actually getting up now; my mind was completely blank from anything at all. All my ideas are gone, I have no electronics to do anything on, I barely knew anyone on this bus, Krissy hates me right now, and I'm in another fucking country; everything sucked so badly at the moment, I'm just going to sleep my day anyway until I get some idea in my head. Sleeping fixes every problem, every time I run into a problem that's basically what I did and if I can't sleep I drank; but Krissy would bust me for that too.

"Hey Sierra, wake up" I felt someone start to shake my shoulder, I swatted their hand away. I was in no mood to be woken up right now, I have nothing to work with today so let me be depressed.

Breaking The Habit (Shayley Bourget Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz