Cursed Children and Dark Futures

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When I awoke after falling, most of my memories were gone. I remembered small peices of my past. But I also knew things that I hadn't been taught. The gods had whispered truths to me as I lay there sleeping. I had seen my true nature. A slayer. One of the purebloods brought into existence to control supernatural populations. Yet my first body had been destroyed. The witch that burned my first body gave her life to see me dead. How many more lives would be lost because of their fear. But enough about the past.

Being asleep for 10 years meant that I was covered by ten layers of decaying leaves. I woke to feeling suffocated. As I sat up the leaves fell away and I came to realize that my clothes had also decayed. I was a bare as the day I was born. Yet my body had grew in those ten years of sleep. I was taller. My hair fell also to the ground. As I slowly moved to stand a realized that some unseen force had aided in my safety. I sent a silent prayer to the gods.
As I stumbled through the woods; I came upon a stream. I realized having laid under those leaves so long my skin was coated in a thick layer of dirt. So I kneeled in the stream and began to wash myself. It felt so peaceful. As the cool water slip over my skin and hair it washed away the dirt. Suddenly I was shocked back to reality when I heard the snap of a branch. I moved my hair to cover my breasts.

"Who goes their?! Show yourself."

I heard shuffling in the brush and a young boy, who could not be much older than myself, step from among the trees. His face was a crimson color. And as his gaze fell upon my body his eyes darken. Only one word passed through my mind.


I moved my hair to cover my breasts better and lower my hands to cover below my waist. His eyes darted back up to my face and his jaw fell open. I blushed as he stared at me.

"It's improper to stare at a lady in such a fashion."

His eyes widened and he dropped his gaze. His hands played nervously with the ends of his shirt.

"I'm sorry. Its just I never seen a girl that looked like you before."

Then it was my turn to play nervously with my hair. Then I had an idea.

"It seems that someone has stolen my clothes. Perhaps you wouldn't mind lending me your shirt."

His chest puffed out.

"It would be dishonorable to just leave a women out here. I'll take you back to my village."

My eyes widened slightly. Could he not smell or sense that I was a vampire? Well hopefully that long sleep would erase a scent traces and none of his people would be able to tell either.
As we entered his village, I felt many eyes turned upon me. My stomach began to roll. Had I been found out? Oh gods please don't let that be true.

He came to a stop outside the doors of a large regal house.

"I am to bring you to the Alpha. He has some questions for you."

He slowly walked to the door and knocked.

My mind began to run away with thought of discovery and the threat of death. Should I be able to take down enough of them to get away or was I to breathe my last breathe in this day.

The door slowly opened. My peeping tom bowed his head in respect as the woman who opened the door stepped onto the porch.

"Is this the girl you found in the woods Jason?"

"Yes Luna. She is. I was given orders to take her to the Alpha right away."

Her lips turned up in a smile. She held her hand out to me.

"I'm sure he won't mind if I allow her to be dressed properly before meeting him."

My heart was pounding. What was gonna happen to me?


I've been running away from things most of my life. I know the power I possess isn't to be taken lightly yet I have never used it. I inherited part of it from my mother, a nymph, and part of it from my father, the demon king. Fire and water. Hot air when added together yet each just as deadly when used separately.

Its was said at the time of my birth that two stars shown the brightest. The creator star and the destroyer star. "When these two stars appear in the sky the world will be changed." Or so said an Oracle three hundred years before my birth.

Now all I see those stars as is a reminder that I was a mistake. Forced to run at a young age to protect my mother; I never new what home truly felt like. I was hated simply for true marks I was born with. The mark of the king encircled by the mark of the builder and below the mark of the called.

Each of these marks would have put me in a place of power among any group of people I chose from. Yet when all three are combined it means you will be a servant to the destroyer, or better called the slayer.

I was bound by destiny to be an outcast and for twenty years I ran from my problems. This is what brought me across the village of the Dark Moonchild pack. At that would be where I would meet the woman that would change my life forever.

Who would have know that such a small child would lead to the biggest war of the supernatural world?

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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