Blind trust

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Dark was the place you were in, Lightless and silent. The warm atmosphere held you with a gentle caress.

This unknown world you were in was serene and agreeable, it pulled you further away from the hatred and greediness of the place you lived in. It didn't hurt, it wasn't eerie. The force carrying your burning soul was something you were taught to hate and despise, but in reality it caused no pain, it only brought you comfort.

It was death, you were dying, or at least you felt and thought so.

But without a doubt, it was just a feeling. You had no clue on how the end of your life would be, but you had read enough books to define it; and what you were living at that moment resembled the way authors described the so feared 'death' that cleaves the spirits from the flesh that bounds them.

Was it really the end? Were you going to disappear without seeing the daylight? Will all your dreams and ambitions remain unreleased? You couldn't allow such a thing to happen, you had to live and achieve your one and only goal, to see the world.

You still had so many questions you sought the answers for and various places you wanted to go to. Many lands you wished to visit.

Does the place your soul desired to fly to, hold the beauty of the world you were entitled to? The same sceneries that amazed the persons who wrote the books you adored?

Being a mere human; made of flesh and bones, the afterlife was something far beyond what your mind could ever describe or picture, no living human could ever apprehend how it truly is. Whether it contains the same landscapes as earth or not, it is something only the lord knows.

Would you take the risk to leave everything behind and go?

No one was waiting for you to come back anyway, you had no one who cared about your existence.

Even the family you used to have treated you as a slave, you never really wanted to admit it, you were too scared of this reality, but it hit you like ton of bricks when they heartlessly tried to sell you.

The only thing restraining you from giving up was your dream to see more of the world, perhaps even meet beings who would accept and love you for who you truly were; a nameless abandoned child who had big dreams and little luck.

You didn't want the same kind of 'love' your so-called family had given you, but another kind, a real and sincere one.

Although It felt pleasant to finally rest and leave all your worries behind, you still had a lot of things to accomplish on earth, even if everything you've experienced there was horrendous, you didn't want to give up on everything yet. And so, You didn't want to die.

Will god give me another chance if I ask for it ?

Of course not, you perfectly knew the answer to your delusive prayer, but your wish remained the same; for your brittle body to embrace your pained soul, never letting it escape.

However, you found it rather funny how you've been struggling to choose between dying or living, even though you had no choice in the matter. You forgot that god was leading you steadily forwardly whether your feet wanted to follow or not.

Now, what did god want?

"Don't die on me, brat."


You jolted up when a deep manly voice jarred you out of the somber and quiet world you were in. Simply breaking the silence, saving you from a deep fall in the unknown, and quickly bring you back to reality, catching your floating soul that was flying further away from your body.

Lucky Ones (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now