Chapter 2

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 I roll over in bed, stretching as I do so. My hands serching for the person that I fell asleep with. When they come up empty I sit up in my bed and look around the room. Ash is nowhere in my room and neither are his clothes that were thrown on the floor yesterday.

I get out of bed and throw on a t-shirt before making my way to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and adjust the water. I walk back to my room to get some clothes while the water is warming up. I grab a clean bra and panties then grab a pair of cut off shorts and a white tank top. Back in the bathroom I set my clothes on the counter and strip out of the t-shirt. I step into the shower and let the warm water run over me. I quickly run through my routine of washing my face, shampooing and conditioning my hair, shaving and washing off.

I dry off and dress then towel dry my hair. I toss my shirt into the hamper then make my way to the kitchen to scrounge up some food. Jason is sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal.

"Good morning sunshine!" he says brightly.

"Morning. Hey have you seen Ash by any chance?" I ask casually as I pour myself a bowl of Lucky Charms.

"Yupperz. He's on a date."

I pause for a second then continue to pour the milk, "With who?"

"This girl Rachel. I guess they've been seeing each other casually for a couple weeks now, but Ash told me that he is going to ask her to be his girlfriend." Jason explains to me.

I put the milk away then sat down across from Jason, "That's great. I hope things go well for him." I lie

"Yeah so do I."

After I finish eating I rinse my bowl and spoon and put them in the dish washer. I go back to my room and lay on my bed and just think. If Ash was seeing someone, casuall or not, why in the hell would he sleep with me? Did last night mean anything to him? Or was it just sex to him? I know it was more than just sex for me. Maybe Jason just misunderstood and Ash is going to break things off with this girl so we can be together. Yeah right! If I keep thinking like that I'm just going to get my hopes up.

I don't know how long I stayed sprawled out on my bed with thoughts of last night filling my head, but I decide that it is not doing me any good so I drag my butt out of bed and heads towards the living room.

"The date went great and she said yes." Ash is saying.

I stop at the entrence of the living room and lean against the wall. Ash has his back to me, but Jason has the perfect veiw of me from his seat on the plush recliner.

"That's great! When do we get to meet her?" Jason asks him.

"Yeah Ash, when do we get to meet this new girl of yours?" I say a little more bitchy then I planned on.

Ash spins around to face me and his eyes widen a bit, "Ummm tomarrow. She's coming over for dinner."

"That's great! I can't wait to meet her!"

I turn on my heel and stomp back to my room, bearly managing to not slam my door. I walk over to my stereo and blast Three Days Grace.

I lay on my bed and close my eyes, trying to get my anger under control.

I snap my eyes open when my music is suddenly shut off.

"What do you want?" I snap at Ash.

"We need to talk?" he says calmly.

"Fine. Then talk." I close my eyes againd and wait for him to say something.

"Look Sammy, last night shouldn't have happened," I snap my eyes open and stare at him, "It was a mistake and I'm sorry for letting it happen."

I get off the bed and stand toe to toe with him, "Why did you let it happen then?"

"You were upset and I thought it would make you feel better."

Did he really just say that?

"Are you fucking kidding me? So what? I was just some pity fuck to you?" I say harshly.

"No of course not," he says, putting his hands on my shoulders, "We both just got caught up in the moment and let things get out of hand."

I look up at him, "Did it even mean anything to you Ash?" I ask quietly.

"No." he says looking away from me.

I jerk away from him, "Get out."

"Sammy." he breaths out, looking so hurt and upset.

"Get out!" I say more forcefully.

Ash walks out of my room, closing the door quietly behind him. I lock the door before sliding down it to sit on the floor. As much as I want to I can't hold the tears back. I let them fall and cry like my heart was just broken. That's because it was.

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